Where is the effort?

“go play retail.” Says the player who never played classic, and claims to of played vanilla but doesn’t seem to know anything about how actual vanilla went either.


What is the threshold for Classic vs. Classic+ because the amount of changes we’re getting so far is definitely NOT classic.


And Classic Era is right over there with all the Vanilla style class design.


OKI didn’t say homogenized classes I said wrath classes 1st off they’re very little homogenization there was it was still enough for all the classes to be unique I’m saying.

wrath classes This was the point where the game was the most balanced on top of that Everyone can already see what’s going to happen it’s hilarious to me that people are saying oh yeah maybe rut will be viable Maybe boomkin will be viable.

And my thought processes yeah no Is one ability does not take a class from being bad to amazing.

It wasn’t just divine storm that made paladin DPS good There is a couple of changes that fix them It was the fact that their manner issues got fixed along with all the other hybrids as well.

What I’m saying is every single speck that the very least should be fun to play And raid viable I didn’t say top.

I said viable Meaning you should not get default booted from the raid and laughed at because oh you’re playing that are what are you an idiot.

or as some people call them the mean specs Is with wrath classes that is removed on top of that another aspect that seems everybody’s ignoring.

It would turn the metal on its head Hey all the sun nobody knows what’s the best Hey maybe The way people would have to gear maybe changes depend on the changes that they’ve made.

almost recapturing that feeling of discovery that everyone bangs on so much about a aspect of classic that everybody desperately wants Is to recapture.

We know All the classes problems are fixed but at 60 talent points not 71 so everybody’s weaker so on top of that people don’t know how things are going to go.

Watch the matter with that

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Wrath classic will be out in a year. I don’t think you understand how much work would need to go into making wrath class design work in vanilla.

Blizzard has said nothing that indicates they are moving away from vanilla style class designs for SoM. So I’m not sure what your point is.

It’s probably less work than Is trying to do class balancing On top of that there’s a good chance it wouldn’t make a single difference at all so let me ask this which one’s more work?

just slapping on wath classes in som or Is trying to buff the under performers Is that may not even make a difference at all

You don’t need to make a post every 5 seconds about wrath classes. We hear you and we get it

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Can blizzard change these forums to stop hiding these kids and their multiple Characters posting multiple times and changing characters to like their own posts.

I see so much of these “go to retail” and policing of other ideas coming from these same kids from the same account just character swapping to drive their point across the line.

Looking at you Aribela and Crossfire… you both talk in the same demeaning manner and Aribela has legit followed around his other character frosstfire and given it tons of self likes all to hate on ideas their brain can’t handle.


I don’t expect big changes but to not add any sort of mana regen to to counteract the longer bossfights due to no worldbuffs and larger healthpools is just flat out stupid. Some classes could hardly even sustain mana bathing in every consumable possible in speedclearclear full worldbuff runs. The meta is going to push Warrior/Rogue even harder than before. Really silly that they are going forward like this.


Well, you wanted hard mode!

Thank you for actually understanding this

Class balance isn’t irrelevant. Just because the classes have always been this way in Vanilla doesn’t mean things can’t change. Blizzard owns WoW and can change it however they like, and in a seasonal game, balance, changes, and additions are really important to make starting all over again worth it.
Do you see how most people wouldn’t want the exact same thing carbon copied every 12 months? Making ele or boomkin not go oom in 12 seconds is not a huge ask. They also weren’t just a pvp or leveling specs. Vanilla is just a flawed game that can and should be adjusted for players today.
When Kevin Jordan was designing paladin, his design intent wasn’t to have 2 specs that are totally useless in raids. He was flying by the seat of his pants, trying to make a fun class, but missed the mark in vanilla with ret/prot. When blizz has the power to fix it, they shouldn’t, just because that was how it was in 2006 and you can never ever change that, just because? Let’s try something new for vanilla maybe? Spiritual attunement, taunt, crusader strike, give ret a unique debuff. Or would you rather play warrior for the 30th time because god forbid we make any tweaks.

Ret has no strengths. Why are you so autisticly inflexible with the rules of the game, when Blizz can easily go in and tweak a few things to make specs worth playing? Do you really want raid dps to be warrior, rogue, mage, and maaaaybe warlock again? Give enhance and ele some mana efficiency and poof, class fixed without fundamentally ruining anything. How is that bad, and how do you make such a huge leap and call a little class balance “instant retail?”


Ret isn’t a class.

That’s not to say I don’t agree with the basic premise of making more talent options viable. But there is a key difference in Vanilla vs. Retail. Back then players focused on playing a CLASS. Now it’s all about spec.

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I would like to see some class balance changes as well.

Having said that, I agree with the seasonal approach they’re taking. They’ve stated their intent was to try to bring things closer to the original experience this time, so they’re trying some stuff. I think that’s fine, lets see how it goes.

I do look forward to a season where they experiment with some class balance tweaks though. I hope that’s a thing that happens! Though if it does, for the love of all that is holy, be conservative! :smiley:

costs a sub fee. try again

It’s called Return on Investment. Minimize $ in, maximize $ out.

People like to say ‘Classic is free.’ No, it’s not. As you say…it costs a sub. Because it comes bundled with something I don’t want doesn’t make it free.

In any event, the question is whether the development cost is worth it to Blizzard. Clearly their answer is no. And by ‘they’ I mean the bean counters at Activision.

I’m guessing your first experience with Vanilla was August 2019.

No one wants TBC changes, TBC is evidence of that. It is dead.

retail is the sub fee.