Where is the Blink spell?

Decided to level an old mage and when I went to his spell book, I could not find Blink anywhere. I thought I might have to talent into it, but went one by one through them and could not find it. I must have missed something, I can’t imagine they would take that away.

Please make me feel dumb and tell me where it’s hiding. Much appreciated.


It is found on the Mage tab of your spellbook.

No, it’s not in there, believe me, I looked everywhere I could. There is no way I want to play Mage without that spell.

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Are you talented into Shimmer? That would replace Blink. Shimmer would in that case appear in your spellbook.

You can check the talent for Shimmer on the talents page. For the mage tree it is in the center and about half way down. Or use the search bar down below for talents.


I was just coming here to ask the same question. Thought I was losing my mind. Thanks Hasy

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No it’s not

Quite the necro my friend.
But yes it is. If it isn’t there then you’re talented into Shimmer. That is the only possible scenario