Where is Samuro?

Orc heritage quest was great, got to see some old characters who been missing for a while. To my surprise Samuro is still no where to be found.

Blizzard bring him back, it is about time we have an OG blademaster. The guy is in WC3, Heroes of the storm and hearthstone. Orcs need an op character who better than blademaster.


They’ve never seen fit to bring him into WoW for whatever reason. I think he could easily fit in with WoW… just maybe tone down the accent a bit.


Just guessing on my part but I think they might be less willing to bring in more characters named after employees after the Afrasiabi stuff.


Someone in the discord mentioned that Lantressor’s whole thing at the Kosh’harg is foreshadowing the Blade master class next expansion.

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I want a ranged weapon hero class like moon huntress or shadow Hunter. Maybe if they are faction exclusive again like the good old days. BM idk

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Looks wise my monk here looks like a blade master. I dunno why they are having such a hard time bringing him in wow.

So far we got space goat and fish men blade masters but not him :frowning:


Literally my favorite character in Warcraft 3… Also heritage quest had no Burning Blade banner… The fact that there’s no blademaster transmog in the game yet makes me sad. Warcraft 3 Reforged’s version of the Blademaster is soooo amazing! The samurai armor they have is 2nd to none top tier, grade A!


Samuro has never existed in WoW (ETC Samuro is just a namesake, doesn’t look like wc3 character at all). Maybe eventually blizzard will use him, but not now

Nothing looks exactly like wc3 but he is very close.

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ETC samuro have purple hair instead of grey, wears plate armor, have mohawk instad of bald+ponytail and a long beard, it’s just not same person

Maybe I’m missing something.
Wc3: https://youtu.be/kBd671LvlZk
Hearthstone last year: https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Blademaster_Samuro

They looks the same to me, there are some differences but I think that is technology limitations at the time. Don’t see purple hair anywhere either.

How is heartstone relevant to this topic?

Samuro in WoW have only existed as ETC member. And looks different.

Etc is canon? Yes etc might just be for name sake.

The point is there clearly is a character called Samuro as seen in other Warcraft games like, wc3, hero’s of the storm and hearthstone. Even in wow lore he is leading blade masters that protect the warchief but this was back in TBC

We can’t have blademasters because monks can’t use 2h swords (or weapons in general) so they can’t windwalk anymore. This makes Samuro a very sad samurai

Also, isn’t Blademaster just prettier version of arms warrior?


lore wise they are very different, but I want Samuro back as a character. He is verry OP in wc3.

Ya blademaster abilities are given away to other class like warriors got bladestorm, mage got image and of course monks

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