Where is Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall?

Greetings. According to old web articles both Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane’s Fall events should be current content now or within a month or so. I just wanted to confirm this is still on track in the Ruby Sanctum 3.3.5 patch. It would be amazing to experience these one-time events again so we can obtain the feat of strengths, toys, and transmoggable items like the cloaks.


I’m also curious if they’re going to be shortened with classic’s release and be what’s listed as “prepatch event” on the timeline.

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Wr are on track. Prepatch is coming in like 3-4 months.

I mean that’s just wrong information based on searchable web articles. Tripping the Rifts was the event/feat of strength for the cataclysm pre-patch (4.0.1 that changed major systems), while Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane’s Fall was a Ruby Sanctum patch 3.3.5 event. In addition, web articles have both events being removed in 4.0.1 so some clarification would be nice.

As far as I remember, in OG the event started 1 month before prepatch, while Cata hype was already big and beta was running.
Most private servers that transition into Cata do it as prepatch event and leave 3.3.5a with Ruby. Blizzard will most likely follow that (as they pretty much mimic cadences).
Anyway, in both cases its too early and we are on track (which your thread was about).

So what’s the event all about?
I found this wowhead link with a few comments, but I still don’t get what it’s all about.

It’s just a short RP event for an Feat of Strength achieve? Any other rewards?

Mainly it’s a cataclysm hype event to get everyone excited. Second it’s a reason to have new starter quests for the gnomes and trolls when they start new characters in cataclysm. Third you get cool swag items.


Good enough for me.

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Bump hoping Blizzard has some eyes on this event. Don’t want it to end up like the Feat of Strengths we missed out on in Brewfest and Winter Veil.


These events only lasted about 1.5 months prior to pre-patch launch. There’s still a decent bit of time to go.

They likely won’t drop them until they also announce the date for pre-patch.

Thank you, Blizzard.

Yeah, that is great and all, but why are they saying “We don’t care that Legendaries are suppose to be for the few and lets just give them away”? I dislike the way they manage everything. Tomorrow, when this goes live, Shadowmourne will be the most own legendary with no rarity into getting it. What a waste of time for me to grind, when half the damn raid will have it now

Half the raid already has it


The only beef I have with the shadowmourne availability is that it makes arena extra rough running into so many more people with it even at lower ratings. As a caster, I regret not playing a lot more arena the first month of the patch to pump my rating up and get out in front of it.

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