Where is my valor increase?

I feel like i was the only 1 expecting there to be no increase this week since its week 2 and we got week 2s increase in week 1.

We got paid early.

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Oh no you aren’t alone. There is myself and Isodk aswell… on the forums anyway.

I’m fine with the decision but yea this makes the week a bit more empty when we’re still early in the patch. But with current server problems I don’t mind taking a break to put it this way, certainly feel like having both retail and classic having a new patch around the same time isn’t helping.

should unlock valor. who cares when we’re stuck with all this for more than half a yr.
this is a long gap, was it like this before going into mop? got shadowlands ptsd w/ this lol.

That logic would work if half these people could read

and it’s true. If it’s pointless then there’s no reason for them to go in and activate another weekly cap, which could push bugs or do something weird in the backend, forcing them to fix things.

the VP cap is a new system to cataclysm imported from other versions of the game - I’d rather them not mess with it again beyond having to give us EU parity.

I should be 3200/3200 this week, I am 3200/3200 this week, that’s all I care about.

They just said they were going to add week 2 valor cap to week 1 valor cap to match the bug in EU.

Week 3 was still going to happen on week 3.

I dont really get the complaints.