Where is my transmog set

I bought the battlewraps of the honored valarjar at the trading post for my Monk and now I want to put it on my Warrior but can’t find it I wwent back to trading post and it said I already own it but when I go to transmog guy I can’t find the set in all of my sets. Do I have to repurchase it for every toon ? Where the heck is it ?

I believe that is a leather set - you won’t see it on your plate-wearing Warrior.

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It is leather. It is clearly marked as such in the Blizz article and at the Trading Post but only after you have clicked it to see what is included. If you just hover over the set, it does not say it is leather.

There are a lot of items like that now. They at one point announced it was a goal of theirs to remove information from tooltips. When my alt was level 40 the other day I bought an ilvl 54 wrist to fill my empty slot. Turns out it had a minimum level 50 to equip. Like, wth?

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It’s a leather set; if you hovered over any of the items (other than the cloak) in the list it says as much.

Devs expect us to read first!?

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Yeah but there is no way you don’t see it before you click buy. Not unless you’re actively avoiding looking at what you’re buying. Methinks OP is just trying to cause a fuss and paint a picture that he was misled.

Citation needed.

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I’m sorry you weren’t paying attention at the time. If you don’t remember looking at low level crafted items in your recipe book and not seeing what the minimum level required was, I guess you weren’t crafting that stuff. I ran into it a lot of the time when trying to craft rings for a low level, and not finding out until they tried to equip it and couldn’t, because the new minimum level requirement didn’t even display to them.

This was several years ago they said this in response to complaints that critical information was not being displayed in the AH and in crafting books. Later much of that information was returned, but clearly not all.

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In other words, “I don’t have any quotes from Blizzard, I’m just going to make more tin foil assumptions based off of a few bad tooltips.”


They said something at blizzcon 2023 about cross-class transmogs and the example they gave was of Anduin being a priest yet wearing plate armor; it was a community council question and I remember Ion responding that it could not be possible due to technical difficulties.

It was a Q&A with the community council. Ion and… That other person I’m having the roughest of times trying to remember.

That has zero to do with the claim that they announced they are purposely removing information from tooltips.

Oh I have no idea what I was replying to LOL. Apologies. Yeah I brain farted.

No worries! You’re all good. :dracthyr_heart:

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I’ve been able to dress my mage as a stormwind footman since WoD. This irks me, because in the same expansion they applied some of the dumbest armor type restrictions ever to the orc clan sets, and they still remain!


I agree. It really bothers me as well; I wish I could use leather transmogs on my hunter :confused:. I can’t exactly remember what they said but I’m positive it was something regarding technical issues.

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Same. The thunderlord clan are renowned hunters, and hunters can’t wear their armor! And then they added a frostwolf set that is also leather. The classes least suited to the frostwolf clan are probably rogue, monk, druid and demon hunter!