Where is my beta invite?

I deserve this now! Padgarre deserves beta access now and Alpha access! I will literally cry everyday if I do not get this as I deserve it. I need to get in I have done everything right!

How can you not invite a legend like myself? How? Why?

I’ve got 2 KSM’s, Horrific Visions 5 masked in the past, Mage Tower on Warrior done, and Tower Ranger on Torghast when it was current I deserve this! I even raid!

Also, I need to dance on the mailboxes… I do this every beta I have to don’t ask.


You deserve nothing little boy.


Trying way to hard.


Everything. He deserves everything.

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A legend in his own mind, lol. To Blizz you are just a number in a random rank for “early access” (maybe higher ranked if you shelled out for the Epic edition).


No there are literal pictures of me on the wall in Blizz HQ I am a legend. They know my story, it is the story of greatness and honor.

Or well there should be obviously.

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This is probably a good way to get you internally taken off the potential invite list lol.


i have it.

There’s no way you already have it

Get on YouTube. Amass a million followers. Have a gimmick like have room filled with a billion small plushies of Warcraft characters.

Only then might you be invited into the super secret Discord with access to the Alpha.

Getting off the Forum island is difficult. We don’t get promoted off the island. Not unless…

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Oh they definitely read these forums more than they admit.

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I go here and there, do thingies and whatnot so deserve invite too. Can’t promise I’ll play it though, I’ll try. Maybe.


I hope you have a pair of arm floaties near by…wouldn’t want you to drown.

Or do the opposite. Make a YouTube account that constantly talks about how Blizz is in an awful company as you discuss all the games they’ve currently made and then point out that noway will the next expansion for WoW be any good.


You’re adorable. I L U :dracthyr_heart:

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I mainly test class and talent changes. I want to give feedback without outright ruining the new content for myself.

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did you payed up your ultra mega chicken 2.0 deluxe package? no beta invite otherwise

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Padgarre for beta lord, Blizzard I will hold my breath until he gets an invite, I swear I will

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I did the thing to the thing for the thing during the thing.



I will notice you for them!

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