Where is joyous journeys

if we do not get this buff tomorrow we shall be very unfortunate

pls blizard what are you doing over there, the people have spoken, stop denying us the future


Not sure what’s worse, the whining about the bonus 50% xp or the crying about RDF/LFD.


Or is it the whining about the whining and crying…
We’ll never know what’s worse.


If a 50% increase in xp is the difference between levelling an alt, and not levelling an alt… probably don’t deserve to level it. 50% isn’t that much to be whining over. It’ll come out when it comes out.

We don’t know where it is, but we know it’s not here. And no amount of forum spam is going to change that. Please stop clogging up the forums, you’re burying all of the threads whining about dungeon finder! Why doesn’t anyone think of all the thought and hard work people put into those? :cry:


50% is probably 1-2 days played time off from 1 to max tho…


If it’s based on popular threads we know the answer.

At least when it probably doesn’t come out today…
the forums will have some good drama to digest lol.

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the RFD cry babies are far worse, bc eventually the exp buff will come out so that group will be satisfied.

Blizzards pops in every expansion drop with a bunch of creator interviews, magazine interviews, developer update videos etc.

They don’t see communicating with the player base as something for us, they see it as promotions for their products. If they don’t have good news, they won’t be saying anything. Been this way since Legion.


50% is 50%. 50% is a big number.


Oh yeah, Razorfen Downs crybabies are the worst.

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You don’t wanna be around when coldrage dagger doesnt drop :grimacing:

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Um. What. 50% is definitely worth crying over… especially as they can turn it on and off with zero hassle and literally did just that in retail.

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pay it no mind, its just a troll

Blizzard are trolls, it takes 6 hours to level from 1-60 in shadowlands for the speed runners without xp buffs and about 10 or 12 for casual players, less than a day lol

but blizz gives retail 50% xp buff they trolling and making classic players mad on purpose only logical conclusion lol…that’s insane they give to retail today

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it was renamed and given to reee tail.

lfd…by a mile

Except for classic servers they want to include the fresh servers as well. So until they are ready to launch those or close it’s unlikely there will be an xp buff.