Where is glyph of jab?

Surely blizzard didnt ignore monks again right where is it


I’m pretty bummed. There’s a few threads both here and on the eu site wondering wtf. Honestly, the thing that’s been keeping me from leveling monk for so long is never being able to use your sheathed weapon(s). I leveled up a monk to main when the news came out on wowhead a few months ago, and now I feel like a dummy.


Its crazy. When it was datamined all these big WoW websites published articles about it amid a lot of excited buzz. Now War Within is out and nothing. We still have no answers from anyone.


I probably filed 20 bug reports on beta about it missing, posted on the beta forums multiple times. Never heard anything.


What would that do if Blizzard never made an actual statement about it being available?

Just because it was datamined doesn’t meant it will ever be implemented into the game.

It couldn’t hurt, I always referenced the datamined glyph hoping it was a bug.


I’m quite certain blizzard just throws most bug reports into the trash.

Man, I was really looking forward to this. I even made this toon after the wowhead announcment based on that info. Ah well. :confused:

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I made a bug report about this. Please comment on the topic so that they know it’s not just one player’s issue. Might get lost in the sea otherwise.

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It’s probably time gated. Check again in 4 weeks.


blizzard… you can put the glyph in my bag and nobody has to get touch of death’d


Where is it?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

drops from raid i reckon