Where is everyone at?

Was curious what the high end, and more casual people have accomplished in the first phase of SoD. I’ll start: I have 4 level 25s 2 hunters a rogue and warrior. Horde Hunter is retired, Alliance Hunter is 2 drops from being full BiS, the other 2 alliance characters are just entering BFD and all characters have maxed professions including cooking and first aid.

got to lvl 18 on my lock 0 lvl 25’s cause of constant rerolling. in the end though im about to reroll just did a DM run on my lock everyone left. tank left on last boss literally about 10mins or less to clear it. healer quit think they were mad cause they had trouble healing. And im just over life tapping to hell my dps was alright but majority of the time im just life tapping it gets tiring especially as affliction.

im not in a major rush im just tryna clear everything at least once on my toons and i will be happy. probably will go back to healing though kind of just pooped out rn from that DM run

I consider myself in the above average casual range and I have 4 25s, a lv 18 and a few lv 5 placeholders for names/banks. 2 of the 25s are Revered+ in WSG, has all runes, is adequately geared. Not much in the way of raiding (schedule makes it difficult).

Plan to have my 3rd 25 12/12 runes this weekend and may debate on getting all 12 for my other 25. Druid>Mage>Warrior>Hunter in terms of most geared/playtime/completed.

4 level 25s here - Rogue, Druid, Warrior and Hunter. Ended up raid tanking on the Rogue just becuase it’s been hard to fill tank spots. Planned to heal with Druid but ended up switching to Feral since it’s always in demand for BFD, really enjoyed it. The Warrior I haven’t ended up using much, wanted to tank with it but it just hasn’t felt good since sword & boardin’ isn’t amazing except on single target fights where you can spam Devastate. The AOE threat & rage generation just isn’t there yet. I made the Hunter originally just to farm drops but had insanely good RNG and got Humbert’s Helm on my 3rd Rifleman kill, got Madwolf Bracers in like 45 minutes at the Worgens, got a Magicians’ Mantle & Sentry Cloak while leveling in Hillsbrad too… so not really being concerned with gold anymore decided to raid on him too, hardest part is just finding a spot since theres a gazillion Hunters.

Have really enjoyed SoD but there’s not really anything keeping me logging in now except checking in on the guild at this point. There are a couple drops from BFD I still haven’t gotten but since they will undoubtedly be pre-BiS in phase 2, I’m sure we’ll just be 3 manning BFD at level 40 for any applicable preBIS (or leveling in BFD).

Only focused on the one character. Might level an alt next phase depending on if Shaman is fun or not. I don’t intend on maintaining a bunch of alts at 60 so it’s not something I’ve bothered with.

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Gdkp is killing SoD off like it did era. Everyones raiding for that supposed 15 gold. Crazy theyre willing to kill the casual player base off for 10g(supposedly) that they dont necessarily need

We are all just waiting for you to quit.

For how much gdkp is complained about on the forums, I barely ever see it in game. There are like 10-20 groups advertising as MS>OS for every 1 group advertised as gdkp.

First off I have nevr done a GDKP, nor did I even know what that was untill recently…
The thing that baffles me is how does this affect all the people complaint about it.

I’m all for naming anyone buying gold 100% but it doesn’t really affect my gameplay at all. You can argue that AH prices are nuts and they are because of it but you do t actually “need “ anything from the AH.
I guess I just don’t u fest and the hate towards it.
Blizzard just needs to actually give a crap and ban bots.

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AH prices are also infated at least partially due to people earning hundreds of gold from quests at level 25.

One single prat and a pleasant thread starts to unwind into a discussion no one cares about here. You sir, are the worst.

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3 items off full BFD on mage. Max professions and even max all weapon skills (including dagger/sword/unarmed).
2 alts that are lv 25 paladin in pre-raid and a lv 20 rogue I play here and there.

4 level 25s

  • S-Priest → geared → exalted with WSG → max tailoring/enchanting/fishing
  • R-Paladin → practically geared → revered with WSG
  • MM-Hunter → not geared → revered with WSG
  • F-Druid → fresh 25 → not planning to play them.

Currently my plan is to get my S-Priest to max and have one max level alt. Currently it is a toss up between Ret paladin and my Hunter. My choice is leaning towards Hunter. (I mainly PvP)

5 characters 3 over 300gs. Over 10k HKs combined. 7k HKs on this toon.

Level 25 Warrior, druid, paladin, rogue, & hunter. Maxed primary professions on all. Ran BFD 7/7 on 1, didn’t care for it enough to repeat with others. All are at revered with sentinels, all have done the weekly ashenvale quest. Not touching WSG until a functional matchmaker exists. Considering un subbing, when same old, same old warrior dominance is confirmed next phase, probably will.

Started playing around Christmas time. No pvp, mostly just leveling and BFD on one or 2 character per lockout.

Shaman 25
Warrior 21
Rogue 25
Hunter 25
Druid 17

I have more 25’s than I should have is what I’d want to say. I’m fully retired now and got back into being social and grouping etc this time around. So I have 11 level 25’s. Between regular guild raids and guild alt raids… at least half of those have consistently gone through BFD. Some I just harvest on and don’t really care about raiding on.

Going into Phase 2 I’m just focused on two of them and I’m not sure how many of the others I’ll bother with. It won’t be until the main two are at 40 regardless.

Have all crafts maxed etc Having a blast and I’m in a guild I really enjoy.

Congratulations on your retirement, you are living the life I hope to live one day :+1:

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