A few months ago Durotar was filled with people socializing and dueling but now it’s empty. Where did you all go?
To a new game.
It’s this thing called burn out, nearing end of expansion, and the fact it’s getting kind of boring for most. Plus WoW is getting to an all time low in subs so /shrug
My friend took a long break until 8.2 dropped and now he’s back to grinding pve content again. Finished Pathfinder 1 before unsubbing and got Pathfinder 2 a few days before I did.
I see a lot of players back if trade chat can attest. New content and raid seems fun and enjoyable. Unfortunately, the core problems with the game are still there, and we still won’t see any strong returning pool of players until 9.0, if they fix classes in a good way.
Hoping they do get fixed, although I hope they don’t remake a lock spec for 1 god damn expansion, would love some damage buffs and flavor abilities. (and if the blizz gods allow it Demonic circle baseline) otherwise I can somewhat enjoy the class (outside of aff that is) would love to see what blizzard does regardless tho, sounds promising.
Because there’s actually stuff to do right now?
Give it a month and people will be sitting in cities again.
Not really. Unless you find world quests to be fun and enjoyable.
Some do lol
you do realize the expansion is not even a year old lol. nearing the end lol.
Thats a. Unfathomable disappointment. And blizzard actually wonders why people unsubscribe.
I mean it pretty much is, this xpac isn’t the best one for content plus it feels dead
Honestly a lot of them were fun initially. But doing them everyday, sometimes multiple times on different toons, drains the entertainment pretty quick.
The war quests are a good example of this. First time around they were fun and uniqie asides. Having done them four times now I can say the replay value is non-existent.
Thats depressing.
Hey old buddy. Miss the RP with you.
ED feels dead though. I moved to MG because of it. Thanks Blizzard for killing our RP-PVP realm!
Outrageous is the word
Dead but the realm status states full. Its something else thats ailing the realm.