There were less than 200 people total on classic era across all servers during TBC. I remember a few YouTubers even visiting the servers and asking why people were still playing era at the time. The largest response was that people had ZERO clue that TBC was even a thing and were just ignorant to the progression of mmorpgs as a whole.
Everyone, for the most part, was VERY excited about TBC; however, when the normal wow culture set in many started to quit when finding nothing to do outside of parse culture.
In fact, the START of TBC was crazy hype, but as time went on it lost excitement as people realized they didn’t have much to do outside of wait for raid night or do arenas.
I think another thing that hurt TBC that, strictly in my OPINION as I have nothing to necessarily to cite, was the sheer amount of gold that was brought over by a “larger than normal” amount of the playerbase. GDKPs were also in full swing at this time.
While I don’t find GDKPs to be a bad thing in and of their selves, they are a large factor of bringing players OUT of the world when it comes to general gold farming. The problem with that is that TBC outside of raid content and arenas, doesn’t have any other content to really get into after the initial gearing period outside of various forms of world farming.
Obviously we can go into MANY, MANY factors as to why some of these expansions and games don’t have the same feel, and it is primarily due to how players consume content in the current time and culture. I don’t think Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK were even necessarily flawed in any sense, but they were designed for the culture of their times.
Unless there is DIRECT Blizzard interjection we simply won’t have ever have the “feel” of these older games, which brings in the whole argument of whether making large changes to the game to adapt to the culture is a good decision versus leaving the game in tact as it is and allowing the culture itself to slowly weed out those who don’t conform to the original game design itself.
Anyhow, thats enough of my rant about the concept of it all. I do think TBC was AMAZING back in 2007 because, as I mentioned in a previous post, it functioned as an actual “expansion” to Azeroth and simply made the game better (minus flying mounts