Where in the world is Lady Jaina?

If Velen had for example told the orcs they would have killed them for sacrilage/considering them demons/incorrectly blaming them for the Legion.

The ogres same, especially considering they just went to war with them. The Arrakoa has a 50-50 chance of blasting them long before they got near their Spire.

No you cant play this game very well. Especially with Sylvanas because you know what? She literally told us how the Fourth War would play out…back in Tides of War.

Didn’t even need to arm them. A heads up about what the Legion is and what kind of danger they represent given to the orcish shamans and allied elementals is probably all it would have taken.

But the Draenei are the same kind of people to rename a damn planet after themselves despite there being multiple existing native civilizations sitting there…

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They did not “rename” it. There was no name for the planet from the local inhabitants(at least the orcs didnt have one). They needed a name for it(its not like they were in active communication with anyone else) No one else had a name for it and the other races simply took/used the one they had.

The orcs/draenei were not even talking aside from simple trading. Also, the draenei were not exactly shamanistic either so no communicating with the elements either. And the risk was if the orcs did learn of it they would blame the Legion on the draenei/or maybe even join them.

The arrakoa and orges did have a name for their home world. Why is it that only the orcs get all the attention?



We saw what happened with Durotan. How when Velen tried to explain about the Naaru/the Legion he of all people suddenly wanted to turn Velen in to Gul’dan. What more if the other orcs hear about it?

There is no escaping explaining the origins of the draenei without ultimately having to deal with talking about the Naaru and Osha’gun and outright contradicting generations of orc worship.

And I already told you. Neither the draenei/orcs talked much to either race. The orcs co opted the name Draenor and that is the word that spread in Azeroth.

This has more to do with how a lingistic word spreads as oppose to Forumtroll’s insinuation of hubris on the part of the draenei.

“The orcs might get testy if we tell them that us coming here will probably consign them to a firey horrific death. Better for us to do nothing then and hope we can figure out a way off this rock so we don’t fry like those losers.” - The “good guys”


Oh , I know. I just find weird how we all tend to ignore the other sentient races of draenor whenever the planet comes up

I didnt. And I specifically mentioned how the draenei had no communication with either thus why they made their own name for the planet as oppose to use a name from one of the Locals.

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Fair fair :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is this in the manga?

Rise of the Horde

I’ve gotta read that one of these days.

Not sure how canonical it is anymore, though. They pretty much rewrote orc society, for better or worse, in WoD.

WoD was also an alternative reality. How much of it properly depicted orc society is debatable

Its still canonical.

And my point still stands. It would be…difficult and risky to have simply given the information about the Legion to the orcs. Remember, the draenei did not have an escape mechanism anymore and they basically went into hiding. If things went south if they told the orcs about the Legion, they were screwed. Worse, with Velen’s vision not being accurate anymore the draenei did really know what the right path would be.

With that chain of reasoning we can lay the blame all the way back to Malfurion’s exile of the Highborne.

Lets just blame this all on Azshara.

if it wasn’t for the ruddy Titans there never would have been a Well in the first place!


Well Malfurion was blamed by that Blood elf dude for the banishment. So yeah, I think people’s memories are pretty long and Thrall is indirectly but heavily responsible for the two faction wars that have happened. I am kinda hopinjg that is finally reflected in the same vein we finally saw for example have Anduin blame Wrathion for Legion.

AU Draenor’s situation is supposed to have been extremely close to MU Draenor up until Garrosh started changing stuff. To the point that the Devs indicated the Warlords shorts and comics are meant to be the same fundamental backstories for the chieftains in both realities.

In order to reliably know what to expect there, Kairoz deliberately sought out a timeline that was as similar as possible to ours, with only a scant few notable deviations that fit into his plan (like AU Draenor not having its own Garrosh.)

So the orcish societies we saw there are supposed to have been effectively the same as those on MU Draenor up until they started unifying as the Iron Horde, then the Fel Horde.