Where has all the loot gone?

I just cleared ALL 10 Boss in Castle Nathria. Clear all the Mythic Zeros 3 times, Glory of the Shadowlands Hero, and Cleared 4 Mythic Plus Dungeons so far and as of now im not impressed. Ive gotten more from “wraith of the jailer and the single world boss than from the entire raid. Why put in all the effort for nothing? Out of my Entire Raid Group we got 3 Cloaks, Billions of Anima, 5 Conduits, 9 memories, and 1 ring :ring:! Out of a Full clear?!? Split between the entire raid? WTH BLIZZARD?!? Anima and Conduits are NOT GEAR! This RNG is trash!
I went up… ZERO Item Level from all that work.


There should be a minimum of 5 pieces of loot per boss in CN (to be altered to 3 after regional restarts). If that wasn’t the case, submit a ticket.

Edit to add: Here’s the original post

Excellent idea! Thank you!

The community voted against RNG on gear so Blizzards response was to take RNG off the gear and make it drop less and probably used statistical analysis to figure out how to keep you playing just as long without the RNG grind. “Let gear be gear” and “We want getting a piece of gear to feel special” were common phrases. Blizzard obliged. I cant say i’m a fan personally. I’d rather get that weapon but have it not titanforge than possibly not seee’ing that weapon at all for the entirety of the raid tier.


Well, there’s something that’s not time gated, but it’s not fast enough reward-wise. And if it’s faster reward-wise, it’s loot raining from the sky. Cant make everyone happy…

They went whole hog on the weekly chest. That is how they want you to gear up now. You get one piece of loot every week. You get to choose what you want and the more content you do the more choices you get to choose from.

That is gearing now. Do all your chores and you get to pick what toy you want from the chest. Any and all loot that drops from bosses is the new Titanforging. Something extra that gets you chasing the carrot to get you addicted to the gamble and makes sure you do as many of the chores as possible.


Three items for ten bosses how? Something obviously was wrong

Ffs how many times are you going to spam the forums with exact same post?

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I have now done 39 runs of spries at mythic 9+ for my BIS weapon nothing yet. Literly an entire week of play time for vendor gear and anima.