Where else could Sylvannas' character gone, if not becoming evil?

The Horde? Sure, though at least in the lore they’re supposed to be bothered and working to redeem them.
The Alliance? I don’t think so, they’ve been intermittently disgusted and at war with them for some time. Even trying to work with the Scarlet Crusade against them.
I’ve definitely seen people complain about a lot of Forsaken acts, I’d be surprised many got missed in that regard. Like bio-testing on people in the early questing.

I just remembered this thread, which seems like a good answer to the OP’s question:

i think her bfa ark reaaaallly suffered from this getting cut from legion. Like we’re told shes a well loved warchief despite not doing anything…

and to beat the undead horse (lol), she never should have been warchief- she always worked best in the shadows being that chaotic neutral character

Everyone suffered from the Legion arc being cut. Thankfully Legion’s own narrative was solid enough that it it didn’t need to include the faction leaders, but damned if BfA didn’t suffer for it in it’s stead.

I wouldn’t have wanted Sylvanas as warchief either, but I can see the potential in it if her and Anduin’s storylines were thematic mirrors of each other, a kind leader learning he has to be more pragmatic and a ruthless leader learning to be more compassionate.

It certainly looked to to have been far more interesting than what we ended up having.