Where does all the gold go to?

The gold spent on repairs has to go somewhere?:confused:

To the Azeroth Financial Bureau which is run by Goblins…

Jokes aside, nowhere, it ceases to exist.

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All gold sinks lead to Gallywix…


When you sell something to a vendor, where does that gold come from?
When you get gold as a quest reward or from looting a mob, where does it come from?
When you spend gold for repairs, where does it go?
When you buy something from a vendor, where does the gold go?

There is a secret “gold stash” vault, hidden in “someplace”, and not even Gallywix knows where it is.


I wish it went to my Hearthstone account. lol


Nah he’d be 20 times bigger if that was the case.


I think it would be cool if when you set up a repair mount a % of the gold toons spend to repair would go to the player that put up the mount.


It all goes to Topper McNabb. His begging in Stormwind is just a front.

As if idling yaks, mammoths, and dinosaurs werent already rampant outside of the auction houses in Org and SW.

My theory is that it goes to spirit healers. That’s why they take 25% durability if you use them to rez: they have a stake in repair bills.


It all goes to the same place it came from.

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Gamon runs an underground economic empire from the Inn in Valley of Strength. He’s his own enforcer, giving various merchants “protection”

Gold sink; The exact point is that it just goes “poof.”

Some GM’s alt.