Where Do You Install Addons For SoM?

just what the title says. I can’t figure it out. I’ve installed them in the wow classic era addon folder, the tbc era one, the ptr one, but I’m not getting them in-game.

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Interesting, i logged in and all my classic ones were running fine. I didnt have to install anything new.

Mine seem to be working and are installed in the _classic_era_ folder.


I’m having the same issue bro. My folders show them as installed but there is nowhere to even “load out of date add ons”.

I get mine on the internet.

Curseforge (Overwolf) works well for me.

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Same for me, the only one I cant get to work for me on SoM is TSM. But its not a big deal

Did you enable them at the enter world screen for your character? At your enter world screen in the bottom left is the addons tab. Make sure your addons are enabled.

Mine weren’t working because when I downloaded and extracted the files, (straight from Curseforge) the addons were in a extra folder from the download.

I fixed mine by moving them out of this extra folder and into the addons folder.
I then just deleted the extra folder to clean up.

So it went from …>classic_era>Interface>Addons>AtlasLootClassic-v2.4.0-classic
to …>classic_era>Interface>Addons>AtlasLootClassic AtlasLootClassic_Collections

Maybe someone else is having the same issue? Idk, hope it helps.

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I use wowup.io and it puts them in the right place for me.

I as well use WoW Up. No issues. It installed addons to Classic Era.

classic era/interface/addons

addons in that folder will load for SoM. You can use any of the Classic addons, and most of my TBCC ones work, as well.

I use a mod manager (just CurseForge), but initially, I manually copied my TBCC addon folder to my classic era folder and it loaded up beautifully.

If yours didn’t, try looking to make sure they aren’t disabled or something. Don’t forget to move over the wtf folder, as well, if you want all your settings from Classic/TBCC to move over.