Where do you get these daggers?

I’m leveling a void elf rogue and want to know if I have to find these daggers or if they come with the heritage armor.

No weapons come with the heritage armor, unfortunately. A couple lookalikes I found were Edge of the Cosmos and Fang of the Pit. I can’t post links, but you can give em a look on Wowhead


Ah thank you!

I think the edge of the cosmos looks a bit closer :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s sad that they don’t come with weapons but I guess that is to be expected.

They almost look like the purple variants of the Assassination rogue Mage Tower Artifact appearance


Edit: More info if you want more than just a picture https://www.wowhead.com/acquiring-the-kingslayers-assassination-rogue-artifact

Apparently i can post links. neat


Oh wow. Can’t get them anymore tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Well yes and no… If you have the base skin unlock you can… if not tough luck (I got all the mage tower skins but BM hunter and healer specs)

I literally only have balance mage tower appearance.

Edit: and this is my only 120

Git Gud :stuck_out_tongue: I ran from scratch all classes in Legion for the Legendary Campaign achievement… so much grind but so worth it!

Legendary Campaign?

It’s too bad they don’t have racial weapon styles unlocked with heritage armor. Blood Elves and Highborne had some as well, if I remember correctly, that never made it in game.



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You can’t get them anymore, they are assassin artifact appearances from mage tower.

To me, they look almost identical to the Molten Edge Eviscerator/Dagger of Blazing Radiance from Blackrock Foundry. The purple recolor, at least.

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I am pretty sure they are the purple variant of the Dagger of Blazing Radiance from BRF https://www.wowhead.com/item=113920/dagger-of-blazing-radiance&bonus=0

Ah ok

Imo it looks more like what Rochev said up there about the Edge of the Cosmos

Look at the skull/fur above the hilt of the daggers

It also looks pinker than the purple daggers.

Assisting with showing link for Ozzyprime :grin:

Too bad it’s a Mage Tower appearance, hope Blizzard allows it to be obtainable again, especially for all the Void Elf Rogues :frowning:

I can’t post links but to me they look very much like Riftmaker (Keepers of time vender in COT.)

One of my favorite daggers on my rogue actually. I love the purple glow

Colors are different, but the geometry is pretty much identical.
