Where Do You Access The Black Market Auction House?


I’ve tried WoWhead and 3 out of the listed locations don’t work.

It’s for a character idea I have, and it’s the only source of a weapon I want.

Last one I got is the SL location and…I haven’t done SL on this character. That I recall.

There’s a cave at the bottom of Valdrakken.


the new zone under the daycare


That is super helpful. Thank you. I don’t know why that wasn’t the first result when I searched it…

Thanks a bunch!


its in valdrakken

way 35 , 60 near the little scales daycare


It’s underneath the Dragon Daycare in Valdrakken!!!

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Sadly I can no longer tell if you’re joking or not.

Black market means illegal trade and have been around long before slavery people are just trying to twist things to fit their agendas and bmah has been in wow before Juneteenth existed


None of that matters, we must get rid of it right now! Think of the children! This game is riddled with racist and sexist imagery! It’s a misogynist hellhole that must be stopped!!!

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They did think of the children…
That’s why it’s under the daycare.

Coincidence? I think not!

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Juneteenth began being celebrated on Jun 19th, 1866. Perhaps you should actually learn a bit of American history.

Unless it got removed, there’s also direct access from the rogue Class Hall and read-only access from the garrison (I think you had to do some quest…forgot, been too long).

I find things that are racially off now and then, but is a " Fantasy " game , so by nature the women are scantily clad and the ethnic NPCs are fierce. Its supposed to be like reading a live book , not going to Walmart,

I know this is a necro thread, but for the record, if any whelplings show up on the black market, it has nothing to do with my daycare work.

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I don’t know…when I stroll through Orgrimmar and see trolls and orcs and walking cows, I kinda think of Walmart.