Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

I guess that’s true.

That’s also not communism, that’s Stalin’s USSR.

There’s no “real” anything. High elves, blood elves, void elves are all thalassian elves. They only differ in ideology and magic (or whatever else) consumption. They’re factions (not the big Horde/Ally) but actual political factions, one of which hold the seat of power and thus more legitimacy in the eyes of most (still contested, though I don’t see many high elves rallying to get QT back, numbers and all). If political legitimacy dictates which of the 3 is real, Blood elves are real.


it’s held by a racial supremacist group that formed in an ancestral homeland.

past that, no.

of which communism is par excellance.

It refers to the blood of the fallen. It’s to honor those dead.

There are Belves that use Blood magic.


Wrong. It was a renaming for all Helves that were there during the renaming. Not just those that ended up following Kael.

Wrong again. It was not most Belves. He took a small contingent of his people with him to Outland.

Wrong again.

This is wrong as well. You should talk to Lor’themar after the fourth war campaign.


ya its mostly people who dont know the lore or dont like it for personal reasons. we dont make the games story we just play it.

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I don’t know where you get your lore. But the Belves that are there are the Helves that always lived there.


and lenin and mao and pol pot and castro and che, even all the way down to jim jones.

it’s going to be quite rough for you when you put 2+2 into 4 instead of 5, finally.

in the recent patch lorthemar went to revendreth to talk with kael’thas for what exactly i dont know we will see though .

Everyone knows that’s it’s a reference to the most terrible oath of vengeance in all of Elven history:

“My Blood Cries out for the vengeance of my Peoples’ Blood. Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much Blood, or maybe Three times as much Blood. Like if you went to hell and it was filled with Blood and it was even Raining Blood, and that Blood was on Fire then maybe that would be enough Blood. Buut… probably not.”


Stop this.

yep you are correct and iandore is not

I won’t argue against Belves being supremacists but the split from Nelven society was more about them being butthurt they couldn’t magic anymore.

Yes, I know the big Communist dictators. That’s not how communism works as an ideology, though, and video games aren’t tied to the rules of reality. Real communism can exist in games, since people tend to ruin it.

I’d argue Belves aren’t expansionist (they were a bit in TBC, I suppose, but whether or not you’re referring to current Belves or the Kael’thas group/era elves is a bit muddy) enough to be grouped in with your IRl equivalents, and theres plenty of non-communist states in history that were plenty supremacist.

It’s all 2+2=5 until we exit society altogether. I’ll tag along with you if you wanna give it a go

This Communism tangent was fun but,

Not most in any way. The average belf and many of the elites stayed behind. Kael’thas had what was basically a cult.



…the logical conclusion is race does not mean what you think it means in WoW because those are all different races in WoW so differences in ideology, magic consumption, politics, ect must also count as defining features of a race.

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reality is worse than that they would die without it look what happened to them on the trip from kalimdor to modern quelthalas they weakened greatly it was a life or death thing that the night elves didnt understand nor did they care.

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Race in WoW, race IRL are completely different things. They’re different species if anything. And race is a very loose, flexible term IRL anyway.
I never argued that they’re a separate race by WoW terms, that’d be ignoring the big fat “Race” text at character creation.

yes it is how it works as an ideology, anyone who knows about it in theory or practice could tell you that. you falling for an outer circle lie doesn’t change the reality.

Family Is The Basis Of Soviety, which then builds Civilization. you have therefore openly claimed that until we deny Love, Absolute Truth, And Natural Law in the mass murder delusion of “ye will be like gods,” then Reality cannot exist.

Therefore you are not trying to have a conversation, at best you are merely cruel and having a laugh, and then every other option gets frightening from there into horrifying.

that is quite the pretzel of blood of Innocents and self-contradiction there, but I would expect nothing else from you.

I repeat, when you finally realize the Reality (2+2=4) instead of the ego-dramatic fantasy (2+2=5), it will come almost as much of a shock as more… physical… results of what each “comrade” actually receives in real life.

What in the world are you on about?

Not only is your account of BE lore completely wrong

As someone else elaborated, they are the same people they just honor their fallen.

But I feel like this has gone past just having odd takes on BE lore and gone way off


No, it’s correct. I also made my case. you won’t get it taking parts of sentences or even words out of context.

Also, not honoring, it’s a way to whip a broken people into a murderous, totalitarian frenzy.

Complete troll thread then. Gotcha. I shouldn’t have fallen for it.


I’m not a communist. I’m getting the impression you think I am. I think it’s a nice thought experiment that spiraled out of control.

This is what people say when they want to sound more sophisticated than typing out “mic drop

Yes, that’s how it works. They’re not mutually exclusive.

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Good thread. I knew about what I remember from the Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne expansion, but I wasn’t aware of all this.