Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

i know i played warcraft 3 to death i didnt just join wow in cata i been following the lore watching siblings play since wow beta .


dalaran is and always was a city to learn magic the founders of it made it be a haven alot of the original defences were made by elves who lived back before the sundering.

But Kael’thas coined the name, I thought. I might be wrong. But he was a member of the royal family, and it’s not like they had a ton of notable members to lose (Anasterian was the massive blow). Being a Sunstrider was enough that using Sin’Dorei would be redundant. I’m currently digging through e v e r y Warcraft III blood elf cutscene looking for the exact phrasing he uses when the declaration is made.

High elves are phenotypically and 95% culturally identical to high elves. It would be more accurate to use Thalassian elf as an interchangeable term (which would include Void Elves/Ren’dorei, which some would agree with and others would hate). But saying Blood elves and High elves are the same is correct with a big asterisk.


you were not wrong he was just making the other stuff up. fan-cannon.


they got kicked out a LONG time ago.

some were yea

Yes, the ones who didn’t turn into drug addicted communists.

no only high elves who protested against mana vampirism

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Nothing about Blood Elves is Communist aside from a fondness for the color red.


I already made that case, I won’t repeat it.

Yes, the real ones; not the blood elves.

hmm idk. boralus has massive inequality. whereas quel’thalas seems to have everyones basic needs met


[quote=“Iandore-thrall, post:25, topic:1238793, full:true”]

no they didnt get kicked out long ago , idk if you know this but the sunrevears didnt join the blood elves group in quel’thalas until wrathn they went by the name blood elves aethas sunreaver was a part of the counsil of 6 even than no they were not kicked out they remained you seem like you know alot of lore but you honestly need to do a bit more research.

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that’s not communism.

I was referring to the mass murdering racial supremacist regime.

idk what you mean. quel’thalas is still held by its original people, the high elves


dude your not correct the lore for all this is in the books sites short stories ingames so on


that sounds like authoritarianism

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you are correct just ignore him his opinionfor that he has already shown he doesnt know the lore as much as he should though he could learn more


I get mine from:

With dashes from:


People can’t understand that “High Elf” is a race, and “Blood Elf” is a faction. When Blood Elves were introduced in TBC, they should have been called High Elves, but Blizzard made the mistake of officially calling the race the wrong name. The distinguishing of the racial name and faction wasn’t apparent, so Alliance players felt the High Elves should be their version, even though the Alliance kicked them out of their boy-band during the events of WCIII.

If we were going by the same principle, The Defias Brotherhood should be a Horde race called the Defias, since their situations were nearly identical.


thank you.