Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

you are using a VERY insidious alinsky tactic here to try to calumniate against me. I am obviously referring directly to that post of your where you said that, not to any others.

[quote=“Byöb-faerlina, post:51, topic:1238793”][quote=“Iandore-thrall, post:46, topic:1238793”]
it’s going to be quite rough for you when you put 2+2 into 4 instead of 5, finally.

It’s all 2+2=5 until we exit society altogether. I’ll tag along with you if you wanna give it a go

you affirm what you deny, you deny what you affirm. you were NEVER welcome to try to use your dirty tricks here, evil one. I dealt with you multiple times more that you deserve. So Please leave.