So, I am not looking for the answer of the Drust, because I know that the kul tirans get their -powers- from the drust, I am specifically asking forms. So far, all the other races get their forms from their gods. Tauren, Troll, and Night Elves get theirs from animal spirits, Zandalari get theirs from the Loa, but where do the Kul Tirans get theirs from? Looking at the forms they look almost like they were created, like they are effigies more than they are the forms of different spirits. Any answers would be great.
So, Kul’Tiran Thornspeakers aren’t Druids at all, they’re Drust. They’re no different than Gorak Tul.
So how the Thornspeakers work is instead of drawing their power from the Emerald Dream like the Night Elves, Tauren, Darkspear Trolls, and Gilneans, they instead draw their power from the Blighted Lands. This is the place that Gorak Tul lives. This is the place that Jaina was sent to when we had to go rescue her. This is also the place that you and I know as the Shadowlands. It’s where your character goes when you die and you have to walk back to your body. (Yes, also where Bwonsamdi lives)
Drust and the Thornspeakers actually use the death magic in combination with nature magic. Basically drawing death away from things to heal them. (reverse healing?.. Kind of like… Undoing a wound, rather than causing it to heal over.)
So as for the forms, they’re basically putting a part of their spirit/soul/essence into the corpse of an animal, and then reanimating it with their nature/death magic. Think of it like this. There’s a rotting corpse on the ground 10 feet from you. You walk over to it, and put a part of yourself into the animals body. At which point you use your nature magic to manipulate vines, roots, branches, bark and leaves to constitute “new bone and flesh” (which is still just vines and leaves). You then continue to use your nature magic to manipulate the vines and branches to make the animal corpse walk around with you directly controlling it’s actions from behind the eyes.
It’s actually kind of interesting, and disturbing. Thornspeakers are NOT Druids. If anything they’re more akin to Death Knights with their use of death magic and reanimating corpses and stuff.
The only reason they’re in the Druid category in game is because Blizz didn’t want to create a whole new class just for two alled races. (Which is justifiable)
Likewise the Zandalari Dinomancers aren’t Druids either. They get their power from their Loa.
Neither of these races have any connection at all with the Emerald Dream or the Wild Gods.
Just because something uses nature magic, it doesn’t mean it’s a Druid. The Gilnean Harvest Witches weren’t Druids until they were trained by the Night Elves and introduced to the Emerald Dream and the Wild Gods.
Fungarian, Botani, and Sporeggar all use nature magic, but none of them are considered Druids either.
The only true Druids in WoW are those who are connected to Elune and the Emerald Dream. Those races as stated earlier, are the Night Elves, Tauren, Darkspear Trolls, and Gilnean Worgen.
Press ‘P’ to open spellbook
real answer: looks like driftwood.
So…KT druids are all Xehanort.
So, then I have to ask, what happens to your body while you are controlling the form you have taken on? Is it inside the form as well?
This might be one of the best and coolest explanations of any class/spec/lore I’ve read.
Also makes me sad there’s no Horde variant
Agreed. I love getting into classes and their lore a lot. If this is canon, and if it is, I hope Omniscience can link me to where it is shown that this is how they do their forms, this is amazing. If its not official, its going to be my head canon until I find out what blizzards version is.
Most of my info comes from doing the quests in Drustvar. There are several spots around the map that have quests that explain that the Thronspeakers are the exact same thing as the Drust/witches that are invading Drustvar.
They also have several quests that show you just how the wicker effigies are made, brought to life, and controlled. There’s one quest line in Carver’s Harbor just north of Barbthorn Ridge where you directly offer gifts and put part of your own blood into the Golem to bring it to life. There’s another quest chain in Fletcher’s Hollow that talks about controlling the wicker golems and how the Witches go about putting souls into them to control them. (As we see with the three witch sisters around town when you have to kill them.) We then use the little controlling rod to take control of one ourselves.
There’s another quest (which is kind of sad… Both in a good and bad way) when you recruit the Kul’Tirans that finds you helping someone out at the Corlain mine. She’s being hunted by one of the wicker beasts, but you realize that it seems friendly. You follow it, and you find out that it used to be the lady’s dog that was sacrificed by the coven and put into the wicker dog’s body. You end up reuniting the woman and the dog and she accepts him/her for what it is now, and it turns out to be a happy ending for them.
We know that Ulfar is using the exact same magic as the Drust witches. If his; and the other Thornspeakers; forms are the exact same thing as the wicker effigies, we can only infer that he’s using the same process as they are to get the same results. The only difference being that Ulfar and the Thornspeakers use a bit of nature magic along side their death magic, where the witches primarily use death magic and imbue with into controlling rods to control the effigies.
Where the witches control the golems from outside with the death rods, the Thornspeakers control it from within with nature magic. (Ie constructing limbs made out of vines, sticks Ect… and physically moving the natural parts with their magic.) It’s the difference between controlling a puppet with strings (marionette) (the witches) and wearing the puppet as a suit/costume. (The Thornspeakers.)
We also know from the quests in the mountains with Inquisitor Cleardawn that Ulfar seperated from the Drust and formed the Thornspeakers. He also helped in sealing away Gorak Tul to the Blighted Lands. We don’t know why Ulfar is still in his bear form. It could be that Gorak Tul put a curse/spell on him that bound him to that form, or it could just be that it’s the form he likes to take as we see many Druids in the world take on animal forms and only animal forms.
As for where the body goes? Don’t know. It could break down into a magical essence when you take over the body of the animal and are “inside” the body. Or it could just be some “hand wavy magic” for game play purposes.
Do I have any hard, actual, canonical evidence of this? No. There’s nowhere stated by Blizz themselves that this is the exact way that this happens. But putting the pieces together from all the quests in the zone, you can figure it all out pretty easily. There’s no other explanation of how it’s done other than what’s told to us by the zone’s lore.
Edit: Edited for additional information.
Thank you for that. Thats a lot of good information and now if I ever need to, I have a thing to refer back to.
I’m glad I could help out. I found the zone’s lore, as well as the Thornspeakers to be very fascinating.
Druid lore is easily my favourite, and Drustvar has become my favourite zone.