Where did Sylvanas go when she died?

Biggest issue with introducing new lore for the current writers that they pretty much ignore previous lore. The wow hell Sylvanas went ? no longer exists, retconed.

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People that wanted to be with their families

Diffetent Val’kyr

Yet we do care that she murdered her own people without any sign of regret

Learn the lore then come back

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I’am guessing it was the maw when she died at icecrown. Thats when the bond/pact with the Val’kyr and Sylvanas was forged. Sylvanas escaped the maw which is a rare feat. It seems that caught the attention of whatever rules the maw, and some sort of agreement has been hashed out between the maw and Sylvanas.

This is all just speculation on my part.


I would like to know when Sylvanas started making a deal with this Jailer guy. I am thinking it was sometime after Legion, when her deal with Helya fell through. Knowing Blizzard though they will never tell us when just that it happened.

When she committed suicide lunging herself onto a Saronite pike. She heard nothing, screams and stuff not to her liking, but the Valkyr intervene and brought her back. Whatever knowledge she gained for that time period gave her the insight she that slowly came to fruition since Cataclysm.

Sylvanas in WC3 Frozen Throne

Visit that link and have you answers completely, I think he did a good job.

Wherever she went Arthas was there too.

She sensed a familiar presence. Recognized it. The taunting voice that had once held her in its grasp. Arthas? Arthas Menethil? Here? His essence rushed to her, desperate, then shrank away in horrified recognition. The boy who would be Lich King. Just a scared little blond child, reaping the aftermath of a lifetime of mistakes.

Looks like she has been working with the Jailer ever since she killed herself after we defeated the Lich King. Safe to assume she ended up in the Maw if that is the case.

You’re completely right. It wasn’t fair that she had to go there because of the actions of Arthas.

It also wasn’t fair for her to continue to do that to the current Forsaken, including you.

Fairness aside, she has rightfully earned her place there. You may or may have not, but she is trying to avoid a well deserved punishment.


She’s going to hell for commiting genocide, so she now deserves it.

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I have a tin foil hat theory about Sylvanas and the Jailer. First on WoWhead they have confirmed that the two have been working together since the death of Arthas. If we follow the books we could see she saw a glimpse of the Maw and before being judged, a group of Valkyre made a deal with her to escape the Maw.

Now in Bastion, there is a group of fallen Kyrian who are the precursors to the Valkyre as a whole. What if it was that group of that made the deal. (If they follow the book’s lore) Now seeing the Maw for the first time, Sylvanas began to put her plans into motion yet didn’t fully understand at first until the war Garrosh started when she was getting unknown powers. (After all we see her able to start using the Valkyre to create new Forsaken) Thus death started to break.

Fast forward to Legion and what we did know was Sylvanas made a deal with Helya, the first of Odin’s Valkyre as Odin did peer into the shadowlands and perhaps either seeing the Jailer or the Arbiter. We still don’t know the deal but what if the deal was on behalf of the Jailer of the Maw. Give us souls and you will receive power but you must give us Odin’s Valkyre.

Although she didn’t deliver the Valkyre, she did give them souls to feed the Maw so her new powers only grew slower then they should have. Blizz did state on WoWhead, she worked with the Alliance to reach the position of Warchief, with Azerite it is why she stated “This changes everything”, because she didn’t know how to create a war to give the Jailer more souls, for more power until it was presented to her.

So to sum it short, she only saw the glimpse of the Maw before being Judged. Maybe the Jailer sensed her and sent his fallen Valkyre to make the deal. (We see at the end of the features trailer, Dark Valkyre around the pair.)

Blizzard are retconning Sylvanas and her past actions to an extreme with the upcoming expansion.

When she committed suicide at Icecrown originally, none of this current Shadowlands lore existed, not the new floating theme park islands, nor the mysterious “Jailer”. The place was originally just largely an amorphous, shadowy void that lacked any real substance or description, up until it became a brown, shadowy mirror of Azeroth when players had to travel there in-game. None of her actions until just now have anything to do with the story they’re currently writing, and retroactively twisting her actions to fit.

Blizzard are trying to excuse the inconsistent writing and poor characterisation of the past few expansions by trying to claim that they were actually setting this current storyline up almost a decade ago, when they’ve already admitted that in reality they just make stuff up on the fly based on what seems “cool” at the time.

This lack of communication and long-term planning is precisely why Garrosh’s planned “heroic redemption arc” was infamously scuttled purely because writing team B didn’t bother to tell team A they were turning him into a villain.


One of his personalities did. The other bombed Theramore.

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Not just genocide, but genocide resulting in people being thrown into that Hell that don’t deserve it. She did the equivalent of nuking a large city and then even in death the people who died still went into eternal torment.


Points mirror in Hagustus’s direction

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This alone makes Sylvanas deserve a slow, painful death and then the hell that awaits her. She sent innocent men, women, and children. Children! To suffer an eternity of torment and suffering. Seriously? How can anyone defend this?? Sylvanas only deserves the worst.