Where did 'show ability icons' go?

I used to be able to show ability icons next to the floating damage numbers in combat. It would show a little icon of the skill next to each damage number. You went to Interface > Screen Messages > Show ability icons. But now i can’t find anything about screen messages or ability icons. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Install AdvancedInterfaceOptions. That said I don’t remember that setting in the default SCT.

Ok, i Installed it, but i still don’t see an option to show ability icons? I see more combat text but still no icons.

I don’t think the default UI ever supported that, it must have been from an addon

Was probably from Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text or something, but I don’t believe it’s been updated in ages.

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Idk why you guys keep saying it wasnt in the default UI, because i 100% know it was. 4-5 years ago i always had it turned on and i only ever had 2 add-ons installed, carbonite and recount. i never had any other addons for the 5 years i played WoW. just wish i could find a way to reactivate it but google isnt much help.

Look through AIO’s CVar browser. If it’s not listed there it doesn’t exist.