Where did Blizzard go wrong?

They went wrong with the Ret re-design in the last month of a season, having it come out super OP(ok this happens)… but then leaving it busted and waiting for 10.1 to see if it will still be insane OP with new tier sets…

solo shuffle, class imbalance, 10.0.7 rets

fast meta, people still die in one globe

toxic community which blizzard encourages

Was with ya with this part at least

Q as a healer and its near insta pop 24/7. The reason dps qs are so long is that blizzard has like 1 healer for ever 9 dps lmao.

So ya they need to figure out a way to make healers funnier, or open up accessibility.

I can help any healer become funnier. Just look at my posts. Selling funny carry service.

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Honestly. Bad pvp balance ruined it for me and many others.

Ret is the main culprit here, but also honerble mention to demo, then bm and fist weavers.

Fixing these classes isn’t even hard. Just knob tuning and they couldn’t even do that in a timely manner.

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df ret paladin is just reskinned sl prot paladin that does s tier damage all game

if you can somehow get past that (you’re a freak if true) then it’s nothing but pet spam specs (demo/bm/healingstreamtotemshaman) every game

10.0.7 is just the worst patch we’ve ever had out of nowhere

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It all started with the massive healing dampening changes before S1 launched. Alot of people quit their healers and switched to DPS after these changes because basically the changes were big indirect nerfs to all healing. I think this scared away a lot of the casual healers and people that wanted to try healing. That is why the solo queues are 30-40min because NO one wants to heal in this meta… plain and simple. No casual players or new players are queueing 2’s and 3’s just glads and R1 players on their alts… ladder is deflated as it’s ever been. The 10.7 patch is maybe the worst patch in recent WoW history for PvP. They made Rets god tier and nerfed them 3 times and they are still over powered. Terrible balance, lack of healers, and no new players coming to PvP. There are many problems. I hope the new patch will be better.

Healing is the most unfun it’s been.
The meta has been nothing but a rotation of oppression from 2 or 3 specs that are just miles better than anything else. First it was DHs, then Assa rogues, then Disc, then Ret, etc. And of course the countless meta nerds who just instantly delete whatever they were playing before to main the new broken thing. Queuing into the same busted thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, gets tiring after a while doesn’t it.
Shuffle killed normal arenas.
That’s what I can think of.


Hi homie. See you in Azeroth soon.