Where did Blizzard go wrong?

for sure shuffle queue times - they gave us a ‘solo q’ but 90% of your time is just waiting to play the game

need a solo q that will insta pop

many have put forth the idea of a 6v6 ranked CTF solo queue (cutting the need for healers in half), otherwise would love to see it be an actual arena

Not false.

Not at all. I don’t expect melee/hunter mains to know though.

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I am a caster main

MM is not a caster, neither is BM or survival

abusive people having the high paying job…
think that might cause something… …

This is an alt


Yes, I’m sure that’s why you’re posting on it and hiding on websites. I guess I’ll hit the button that prevents me from seeing your ‘alt-posts’.

Love coming home to Arfbishop barking up the tree.

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Love randoms that don’t even do arena coming at people on the forums in conversations they’re not even in to make random insults or snide remarks because they have nothing else to offer the world.

I mean, you said yourself you’re not doing arena either right now.

Yet I have played it and actually know what sort of feedback to be giving, you apparently do not.

And that’s why I don’t give feedback. I stick to BGs, where things are fun, and I’m not locked in a cage with specs that will pick me apart. It’s a choice, I’ve made mine.

Wrong forum, apparently.


I just click PVP and peruse. My b.

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The game is dying, not just arena.
If you notice, even outside arena, Blizzard can no longer create multiple faction hub, multiple faction stories, and faction zone anymore.

They can’t even make armor shown on the newest race.

They just simply don’t have the resources, the playerbase is shrinking, the dev team is shrinking. You just have to accept it, and move on.


I don’t consider myself as having actually quit, but the ret patch did result in an unintended break.

I was happily playing this expansion, contentedly doing the weeklies I wanted, pulling the lever in the Raszageth skin every reset, leveling a couple alts, and PvPing on my devoker and resto shaman. Then the ret patch hit and legitimately made PvP not fun, but I just took it as an opportunity to focus on my alts. However, the spec didn’t get fixed for so long and it left me in a “vulnerable” position to get drawn in by other games.

DIV beta was great fun and gave me an itch both for combat that is more soulslike and for ARPG shenanigans. Lost Ark would have been the perfect fit, but I will never download another predatory Korean game again, so I started League back up for the combat. My friend also wanted to play the new PoE league, so that is somewhat quenching that thirst. Consequently that’s now what I spend my time on instead of arena.

I kept – and keep – checking in on the game, but even now my impression is that ret is merely down to the power level of demon hunters when the season started. Not particularly enticing news since I was playing for the fun of the game and competition only, having already hit my rating goals. It’s definitely weird to accidentally drop (even temporarily) a game I was genuinely enjoying so much, but I guess here’s to hoping 10.1 gets things back on track.

So yeah, my vote is definitely the ret rework. Never seen balance so grotesquely off that I responded to it like I would to a widespread exploit or hack going on. Wasn’t even mad; just made the game unplayable and so I went into “wait it out” mode.


ranked solo shuffle killed off 2s and 3s and is anyone surprised by that??? id rather sit in 1 hour solo shuffle queues than step into LFG :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

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Game is far from dying, at least as far as PvE is concerned.

Instanced PvP isn’t looking great though. If it wasn’t for RSS, I’d say PvP would be close to its official death sentence. Obviously they are aiming for a revivial with RSS, hence all the recent PvP tuning.


Bro what

Resto druids have the lowest win rate of all healing specs in solo shuffle, and it’s so low that only most tank specs and two dps specs are lower

Edit: Also I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread but I’m not going to delete it, just disregard

Edit 2: Actually I am going to delete it

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