Where did all the Silvermoon RP run off too?

I’m sad I missed this bit because SMC is my favorite place to chill.
Sometimes I’m just there by myself but yeah, the inn in Org is where all
the open, fun stuff happens. Maybe if people started making events or pushing to other places it could revive but that’s really up to the players.

MG Horde is way lower pop than this and really “guild” - centric so you gotta pick your poison.
I’d stay here and try to make here if you wanna stay Horde though, there’s way more options here to RP.

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My absence, swapping between characters, and the fact that the post was asking about RP in a city in which I used to RP in all the time is probably a good reason as to why this character is still level 60 as opposed to 120 which he was the last time I even played him. It was a genuine question not a troll, please kindly exit the thread if you don’t have actual insight to share or suggestions on how to proceed.


Well, here’s something else to add/consider:

Noble House and Political rp is much more represented on Alliance with opt-in options. Even disregarding the opt-in projects, that genre of rp is something that doesn’t and hasn’t worked out well any time I’ve heard of a belf specific council of nobles being formed on WRA. Those kinds of faces and personalities that lead to drama have a harder time trying again with a pool that can easily spot and avoid them, as opposed to MG, I guess.

Crime/Criminal rp is much more open there, too. Accepted? Probably not, but it’s the same thing of sw having such a huge population that your crime guild can die and be reborn multiple times for better or worse. Considering some slur throwing folks keep resurfacing, anyway.


Perfect response, thank you

Ah yeah, the fourth consideration: if you’re RP’ing belves as basically Game of Thrones humans anyway, why not just play on Alliance?

Me, personally, if you asked me to play a blood elf these days, I’d probably play a Draenei instead.

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Silvermoon was the place but sadly it has gone.

Most RP, Horde, Wyrmrest Accord is in the Valley of Honor in Org.

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Hey friend,

You filled out the Sunreavers app but you didn’t include your FULL discord handle so I have no way to reach you… could you get that to me somehow?

I was thinking the same way as well. Where did all the big players that was full in silvermoon go.

If you want to rp in Silvermoon, nothing is stopping you from… going there and roleplaying. You don’t have to wait for other people to arrive.


I mean… difficult to roleplay when no one is there to roleplay with. At that point, you’re just narrating to the empty void.

At any rate, disappointing to hear SMC is as dead on WrA as it is on MG. I recently made a belf mirror of my half-elf from MG, who has familial ties to Quel’thalas; thought it’d be fun to see how Horde RP is on WrA, and specifically how SMC RP is since it’d be nice to RP there on her one day. I saw it was inactive the few times I popped in during early questing, but it was also earlier in the day, so I just assumed RP went on later (or it was just somewhere I wasn’t at the time; the city’s pretty big, after all!).

In general, as a newish player to WrA, I keep being told by friends that Horde RP’s been pretty dead for a while, and that’s a little worrying. :dracthyr_cry_animated: I don’t enjoy Horde aesthetics as much, but I dearly love Horde races’ lore and thought it’d be fun to eventually have a Horde alt or two to RP on when I felt like it. Hopefully things will liven up when I get to Orgrimmar, at least; been feeling like I’m just playing Classic WotLK at this point, with how few people I’ve seen.


I’ve also said this before. Duskwood wasn’t what it now is, until Thomas Bates spent every night patrolling the place and encouraging people to come. I am certain if anyone curious enough had a chat with Bates, you would hear how empty the place was, night after night. It was a process to get it where it is. It is a continuous process for the community that now exists there to keep it that way.

If you want Silvermoon RP back, you need to bring it back. Find a couple solid consistent people, stay there all the time even when it’s empty. Engage every single person that runs through the place. Post on the forums. Create a presence.


Thomas Bates is a good success story.

TBH, I feel like a huge reason walk-up has kinda died is that a lot of WoW players have grown up and gotten lives. I was 18 in Cataclysm when I did walk-up in Stormwind all day. I’m 30 now, and while I don’t have a ton of obligations, I have other things I want to do. If you have limited time to RP, you’re going to RP in places that have consistent storylines; guilds sponsor some character development that walkup doesn’t really guarantee. Events give a solid time that you can block out for RP in your weekly time budget. And when your life is hectic and busy, sometimes going “at this time this week, I’m going to RP here” is just mentally easier.

Anyway, there are several events that happen in Silvermoon every so often. Consider coming out for Farstrider Fridays or for the Songbird Eatery. I’m going to try to hit up more, and I hope to see you all there c: (I probably won’t be on Kai, but you know. Possibly another elf.)


make an event for silvermoon then

Okay pardon me if this sounds crazy but is anyone else catching the alarming frequency of some level 60 not played in a while toon going “Hey where did the RP go” and when any of our longterm posts and RPers go “It’s a bit weaker here atm sorry SL was difficult” the OP immediately goes “So what you’re saying is ALL THE RP IS ON MOONGUARD TM, it’s all dried up here and ALL THE RPERS SHOULD GO TO MOONGUARD TM” and then he turns to camera and does a little wink

because it’s been happening like once every two days since mid shadowlands


Yeah, I have noticed that. Or that their ‘friends’ or people they speak to say it is dead.

Also trolls. I have noticed a bit more trolls as well. Air Condenser included.

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The problem is that this mentality won’t change Silvermoon rp, it will stay the same forever. Perspective needs to change. Instead of thinking “There’s only one person here to rp with” instead that should be, “Look! Someone to rp with!” Rather have one or two good rp partners than a sea of people to get lost in. And if others come by and see you and your few friends hanging out and want to join in? Let them join in! And then from there it has the potential to snowball into being an rp hub again. And if you only ever have a one or two partners for a while, that’s fine too! If you have no partners, that’s fine too! If this is something you’re passionate about, it doesn’t have to matter if you have an audience or not.

I can and have rp’d in Duskwood whether or not people are there. Heck, sometimes I -prefer- to rp walk down the road in silence. It’s something I enjoy whether or not someone is there to witness it. But as often as I give this advice to people, I cannot make the horse drink. There are people here who are as passionate for Silvermoon as I am for Duskwood! Help them out, see what they’re doing! Songbird Eatery and Farstrider Fridays have already been mentioned, they can be expanded on! The potential is there, you just can’t give up before you even start.


I didn’t say “there’s only one person to RP with”. I said it’s hard to get RP started when there is no one in SMC.

At that point, you’re narrating to yourself. Now, if people show up and you engage them? Entirely different thing, I agree that should happen (though, difficult to if people are only there in a brief OOC capacity while questing).

I enjoy doing that infrequently as well on MG, even while my OOC tag is on. It lets me take in the world more, stop to look at details, and also gives me a realistic measurement for how long it takes to go from one end of a zone to another, etc - plus it’s peaceful! I’ve mounted up on a basic horse and walked the length from Goldshire down to Sentinel Hill many times; it’s just a super peaceful, chill time. Riding through quiet forests, nothing but the sound of the atmosphere and your mount’s footsteps on the cobblestone road - definitely nothing like it. I do genuinely think more people would benefit from slowing down and just RP walking around places sometimes.

I would certainly like to see them! I’m a new arrival to WrA, so at the moment I’m focused on leveling - that, and so far the starter experience for Blood Elves is about as quiet as it is on Classic. Only have ran into maybe 2~3 other elves out questing, and one random Zandalari (which was kind of funny to see passing by in the Ghostlands). I’d like to actually… see the RP scene in general before committing to making a couple alts on the server to RP on. And from what I’ve been told, most of the active RP outside of events/guilds is in Orgrimmar - which I think I get sent to after I wrap up the Ghostlands. So, we’re almost there!

Yes, and if I am ever available to pop in on those, I’ll certainly try to! I know how rough it is to do small RP venues/events (used to in a prior game) and I like trying to support stuff like it, so they’re encouraged to keep at it even when times are quiet.

I have zero interest in becoming an ‘RP revitalizer’ by any means, especially not for SMC (I love it, but I do not play Blood Elves enough to put that effort or care in, on top of my guild I’m trying to get off the ground on MG + being perpetually low energy due to work). I would simply like to see it be more lively than it is, as it’s very disappointing that it’s seemingly so dead on both of the major RP servers. :dracthyr_cry_animated: Someone else will have to actually put in the work, though, because the best I can personally do and care to do is support events or venues that are active in SMC.

youre gonna need to stick around silvermoon to actually engage

Also. Silvermoon Saturdays is a thing (i forget the time. its evening) and the Songbird eatery is in Silvermoon on…Sundays

EDIT TO ADD: WRA as a Server tends to hang out in different RP hubs.
Duskwood, theres guilds rping in the Plaguelands, Thunderbluff, Razorhill

What is that? Logic?


You mean RP won’t just come to ME? I have to INVOLVE myself in this community to make it BIGGER and BETTER?

But I don’t wannaaaaaaa