Where are worgen druid forms, a cat

Maybe it has something to do with lore, but in seriousness, it is just as likely as not wanting to make a dire wolf model, a real wyorgen akin to the Vlka Fenryka. I would love to play a druid Worgan but a cat? A bear, and Owl? Even trolls get some bizzard bat thing and Kul Tiran look like death brambles… the worgen got shaft and I just want to know will there ever be a fix?


… Did you mean to make your thread title WHY are worgen druid forms, a cat” ? :eyes:


Because cats are better at dealing damage than dogs are.

It did bother me when the AR druids came out and got really cool forms that some of the other ones didn’t get updated.

Worgen were literally an offshoot of the Form of the Pack, and embody Goldrinn’s rage. Their Feral absolutely should be a wolf.


We Worgen druids wanted this for years but thanks to low player base due to the old abomination that was female Worgen we are ignored. It would be wonderful to see but we can’t get Blizzard to talk about optional tails or any other customization for Worgen as it stands.


So to answer your question objectively, the reason why they have a cat form instead of a Wolf is that Goldrinn’s form is too hard to control even for god tier druids like Malfurion due to its innate rage, causing druids that attempted it to go berserk and kill both allies and foe alike in the War of the Ancients, which led to the form being officially banned by the druids. Worgen already struggle with a diminished version of said Rage, so combining it with the full form would probably spell disaster.

And the reason for them shifting into bears and owls too is because they learned true druidic magic from Night Elves, so they share a lot of similarities in forms.

Now, I do think a wolf form would be way cooler than cat, but that’s the answer to your question.


There are a lot of players and forum posters for whom English is not their primary language. That, or their grammatical education is incomplete…which I do not mean as an insult. In the U.S. alone, nearly 32 million adults are functionally illiterate, so it behooves us to make some allowances.

That said, the OP has a point. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the Worgen druid feral forms were dire wolves?

Even the trolls had a similar problem as they refer to Gonk. :robot::thought_balloon:

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As if a man turning into a wolf isn’t weird enough… this is what you’re hooked on?

honestly, the Worgen should have a “feral” option the use their Claws and teeth.
its like, turning into a Powerful werewolf is just cosmetic.
They are very fierce creatures with powerful offensive power in their own right.

Even if its just a Feral skin option, let them use the Worgen model as their form option. like werebear, but for cat form. no weapons. just their raw Worgen power on display.

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It does. Look up pack form and the scythe of Elune.

Pardon me, Miss “I burned my eyes out and ate a demon’s soul”…but how much weirder is that than an elf with demon wings, glowing tats, and a set of horns? Such irony, the demonic pot calling the wolf kettle black…


Yes but at the same time we Worgen druids underwent a ritual that calmed the inner rage of Goldrinn. Who’s to say Worgen druids couldn’t control pack form as it’s the core of what the Worgen curse is based off?


And funnily enough their cat form is in fact, a wolf.

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It would still be cat form mechanics , but I suppose they could make it look like anything you want in the barber shop. Killer tele tubbies if your heart desires.


Well, the Worgen form itself was the answer to the pack form’s rage, which was why the Gilneans were able to calm it through a ritual that basically just makes them confront the things that weight down on their conscience, so something that would be cool is Worgen feral druids being able to fight in their werewolf form with claws and bites.

It’s in the name: Cat Form. This was also before Blizzard decided they didn’t have to be so rigid with the form appearances.

Probably has everything to do with the models skeleton and the animations they already have rigged to them.

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I don’t think there will ever be a fix, but the worgen cat form should definitely look more wolfish than it currently does. Given that Ztrolls have a lizard cat form.