Where are these rockets from!?!?!?!

i found a goblin transmog on reddit and they had rockets for the back pack where do i get rockets for the back pack.

it wont let me share the link how do people post pictures on forums

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Did it look like this?


If that was the appearance you saw, then it is from the Goblin Heritage Armor. The rocket in this appearance is from the shoulders.

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was the goblin rocket pack i guess its from a quest but you cant mog it but it looks really cool with that heritage armor
[Preformatted text](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOlyfwdWsAAHdLP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


Yes, it would go very well with the Heritage Armor.

Hopefully, one day we can get something similar to it that can transmog.

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Its from an old quest and no you cant transmog it, ive tried lol. I wish they would put the Mechagon Anti-Grav backpack mount in the Trading Post TBH

That new RAF goblin helm would go awesome with the Heritage Armor set too