Where are the Story Forum regulars going when they die?

But its not going to be eternal. She intends to fix the maw and free us from the prison.

In the end shes going to save countless souls from damnation verse the few hundred she sent there for a limited time.

Blizz just said we are wrong about her its clear they intend to pull a 4d chess out of their rear end.

Because there would be no point for our being there then. She’s never been an activist diety. Why would she change now?

Last time my character died (in lore), a golden angel brought me to a giant robot with a fire beard. Who told me I had to prove myself worthy numerous times for no reason.

So that is probably where I would end up again :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise most likely bastion.


I’m going to the Maw.

But I’m not going to be in there with a bunch of evil souls and monsters and whatever.

They’re going to be in there with me :grinning:


Galenorn: Ardenweald


Apprently you missed the point in we will save them us not going so is as likely as elune showing up and saving them.

You know it!