Where are the Story Forum regulars going when they die?

Sylvanas crimes are infinite though, since those souls she damned are also in infinite suffering.


“I always like to end on a positive note, so here is a rousing, uplifting song, which is guaranteed to cheer you up.”

Freeing them during restructing would fix that. What is the point of torturing her for as billion years what is point in continuing to torture her even as all the stars burn out. Infinate torture would serve no purpose it does nothing it changes nothing no one gains anything. Simply destroying the soul completely achieves as much as torturing her behind locked doors. Nothing is achived by the maw existing it is torture for torture sake.


It would give her the same fate as those that she damned. It’s less than she deserves imo.

And if they are freed who does it help to torture her for a million billion years what changes between her suffering and simply destroying her existance completly

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Who says they are freed? They are only there because of Sylvanas in the first place and if everything was according to Sylvanas, everyone would be there now.

Abd who says elune wont suddenly burst in and free everyone and has been quite to store up power you are on the realms of if here. Still i doubt you can understand my point i have seen your posts and you are the second most fanatical person i have seen

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because she can’t? She couldn’t save those sould from damnation in the first place.

I understand your point, yet I think Sylvanas deserves to be in hell for all the horrible crimes she commited and the souls she damned forever. So I disagree.

And i am saying i dont think they will be damned for all eternity we will save them and there is no proof elune isnt stockpiling power to save the night elves. She isnt but that is just as likely as us never saving those souls.

So Lawful Good land, Hot Topic, the Rob Zombie experience, or what I ASSUME will just be one big drum circle?

Caed’s going to Sovengarde to feast and drink. Failing that perfect plan that doesn’t have any holes in it, Bastion. I guess. I assume they’ll have better food there.

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Is there a realm that’s just an endless sea of salt?

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We may never know Grandblade, I intend to live forever.


My human Paladin is going Bastion.

I mean come on, the Heaven like afterlife for the souls of dutiful and virtuous people, with Uther as an example soul? It just makes too much sense.

If this is characters and not players, Treng goes here.

For me though? I’d probably pick Revendreyth were it up to me.

Well considering all my characters are Night Elves and they are all super loyal to their nation and nature they’d probably all go to Ardenweald


The fact that I can’t place any of the players who aren’t hardcore blue, Forsaken, or orc rpers makes me realize just how narrow and limiting these afterlife concepts are :-/



Nezmith goes to the Maw. Hopefully it can contain my sarcasm and spite.


I think I’d try to work something out with Bwansamdi. He seems like a cool dude.
Figure i’d settle down on “da otha side”. Learn how to do that capoeira dance from the trolls. That’d be pretty cool.

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Oh please, everyone in the discord knows you’ll spend eternity in your coffin, trying to get that last nail in.


I think I have a total of five or six druids floating around with four of them on my main server. I also have three or four hunters and plan to make another fairly soon.

I also live in a cabin in the woods IRL where I have several pets and put out food for the local deer and squirrels so that my yard is always full of animal life.

I might, and this is just a crazy assumption on my part but bare with me, end up going to Ardenweald.