Unless Blizz is keeping secret pets in their back pocket, Shadowlands looks to be the first expansion in WoW history without a new pet family.
The previous lowest amount of new pet families was Legion at launch, which added only 3, but eventually added Feathermanes, bringing it on par with WoD which added 4.
And no, renaming Quilen to Stone Hounds doesnt count. Even if it did, that’d be only a single new family.
I mean… do enough people actually care about pet battles to make it worth the dev time? There’s a reason they aren’t looking to add any more pet battle dungeons in the game, y’know.
When I capture you, I’ll keep you to groom my foot-talons, l’il elfy.
Agreed. When all those pets had more unique abilities and uses, the variety made sense…but like most everything else. Blizzard had to dumb it all down.
Sure, sure. I have a collar already picked out for you, and we’re going to go to the dog groomer to get your fur done up, poodle style. Oh, right, need to see the vet, too.