Where are the hunter changes on TWW alpha?

all i think of when i think of hunter now is just a rotting carcass under the sun with flies hovering over it


Can’t insert images i dont think but pretend i just linked the yamcha death pose- thats hunter these days

It’s clear that we don’t have a dev at least since last patch of SL


The hunter class had a dev in SL??!


saying BM was reworked is being very kind. it was basically 4 talents.

This post is on the money!

Rework Hunter


Friends, we did it!

Not much but they acknowledged something at least

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It looks like no changes will be made for hunters in the near future. They will revise future builds. It feels bad, man. It feels like they keep improving Ret Paladin and the company, and we are left in the dumpster.

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Yesterday Supatease posted a video on Youtube and he fights a duel using Dark ranger MM, he got werecked in 3s by a Warrior. Prepare yourself to WW

Sad times, bro

Hunter announcement is that they don’t have anything to announce…


The post mentions only changes to Hero Talents… PLEASE Blizzard let us know if you plan to address core issues with Hunter spec talent trees?


They said they are reading the feedback. And since this “Hero Tree clean up” is taking place in the near future, maybe we can make more noise so they also touch Hunter/Spec trees as well?


yeah what a joke hunters are for Blizzard… if this is not a sign to jump ship I dont know what is =(

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mages → just got a huge rework, get a very nice in depth design plan for TWW
paladins → the same
ret → “hey your mastery isnt really appealing, so here’s a secondary effect on it, and we’re going to give you cool talents on your already cool tree to help make it even cooler!”

meanwhile, hunters


It’s fine it’s fine guys they will get to hunter next expansion you have to think of the poor mages and ret paladins but don’t worry if it’s not the next expansion surely it will be the one after right right…

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That’s the best option is just to quit and tell them why.

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The Class and Specs need a huge amount of work:

  • Make multi-shot baseline already and remove the minimum target restriction for MM, currently it is the MOST restrictive aoe in the game.
  • Improve the damage profile of MM and BM, Surv has plenty of cleave in its ST build but MM and BM have to go all in to either AoE or ST with a heavy toll on the other, this just isn’t up to date with a majority of other class and spec designs in the game.
  • Take the important utility and defensive tools off the pets and put them on the hunter, the class has 1/3 of its specs that don’t use a pet and even the specs that use a pet, having to choose between personal survivability and group utility is not a fun or satisfying choice.
  • Fix the glaring hole in the Hunter defensive toolkit: rot damage. Shorten our defensives cds (some of the longest in the game) and/or put some baseline, not talented, passive healing into the specs that work no matter what pet or even no pet is out.
  • Before you go tinkering with the Hero talent trees, Fix The Base Trees, they have not been significantly updated since DF beta. Do you really expect Hunters to stick around for 3 expansions with these same unchanged, DF beta, talent trees? We all know you can do better, just look at the modern reworks for literally ALL the other classes.
  • Put Wailing Arrow in the class tree and make it instant cast!
  • Improve Hunter’s Mark to be on par with the other raid buffs, make it effect the first and last 20% of the target’s HP at a minimuim!
  • Traps are some of the hardest CC and utility to land properly (they are not a target based cc, the hunter actually has to place them accurately for them to work, including accounting for distance variable travel time), actually reward the player skill by making their proper execution meaningful; improve the utility / power of all the traps and make at least 1 provide something unique and actually useful that can’t be imitated or replicated by any other class.

I will leave it here because these are just the baseline fixes to bring the Hunter in line with every other class, I won’t even bother to tackle things like gameplay loop, retro animations, the rule of cool, etc.; the things other classes have the luxury of complaining about. At least just bring Hunter up to the minimum, that’s all we are asking for!


Yeah cuz alpha pvp is a great indicator of how it will look on launch :skull:

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Hoping for a talent rework across the board but especially survival (and no, I don’t want to rework it to ranged).

I love the mechanics of the spec, but the talents are soooo boring. Its all % damage increases, and kill command resets. They could make some more interesting choices if they really wanted to.

I don’t want a ranged rework but it is weird they don’t even consider a choice node like fury warrior and frost dk have to let certain skills work with a bow

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Let’s stop using the word “rework” so liberally.

The only rework is the ww monk one, the rest is trash.

Druid changes are awful, and they are not a rework regardless, arms warrior changes are also awful.

Paladin changes were not bad, but nothing spectacular.