Where are the hunter changes on TWW alpha?


I checked the Alpha development updates forum: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/in-development/the-war-within-alpha-test/307

and here is the breakdown:

Rework already in progress:

  • Monk
  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • Druid

Development goals and direction announced (changes coming soon):

  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Death knight
  • Evoker

This leaves us with 5 classes that have have neither current development, nor a design goals announcement:

  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Demon hunter
  • Shaman

Rogue & Demon Hunter had a significant rework in 10.2
All 3 priest specs had recent reworks, although not as big as Rogue/DH (shadow and disc the most)

Therefore, it’s understandable why these were not the first to update.

Then, Shaman hasn’t been reworked lately, but at least they received a big update around 10.1 (don’t remember the exact patch), especially on the general talent tree.

Which leaves us with hunter. The least updated class since DF beta, with only the BM tree having been reworked during the course of the expansion, while the general , MM and SV trees have remained essentially the same since late beta.

So, it would be logical to assume that hunter would be one of the first classes to undergo changes in 11.0, right? Or at least have design goals announced for them, like they did for 4 other classes already?

Can we get some communication, please? Does the dev team think hunter talent trees are fine? What’s the plan for this class?

Thank you


Don’t worry! It’s only alpha!

I do hope we get something on next news tbh


So do I, brother!

Playing hunter sometimes feels like you’re stuck two expansions behind everybody else

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I’ll just copy my thoughts from the Trueshot discord:

Here is what I think will happen - some meaningless shuffling, the current set bonus propping us up will be dropped and replaced with the hero talents and we will be in a position of slightly better single target but worse AoE than now and overall about the same but without any redeeming niche and we will have to relearn everything and work harder to maintain status quo at the bottom.

The state of hunter is just sad…


It’s probably hard to make changes/parse through feedback when every single feedback thread devolves into some stupid argument between the same 2-3 people and de-rails any feedback. That and people who are mega-unqualified to even give proper feedback speak up the most spewing nonsense.


tbh I’d rather the devs not listen to any feedback compared to the forums purely because the average poster on here is like you said mega unqualified and spews the most ridiculous nonsense.

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The hunter tree, and every specialization tree needs a huge redesign, and Blizzard just doesn’t care or seem to want to put in effort at all.

Would be nice if BM and MM could have some intrinsic cleave in their talent builds rather than having to focus entirely AoE or ST.

Would be nice to get some decent group utility, a trap overhaul, a raid/group buff that was actually useful, and reduce the clunkiness of using pets/improving their AI.

It’s insane to me that the most popular class is left with 3 awful specs.


There’s no dedicated designer for Hunters. It left to whomever is left to look at the skills move them around then just wait for alpha to see how bad it was done. Then the class get to wait until the first raid is over to get a few buffs to push them up. Then next raid comes out throwing the specs back down, and it rinse and repeat.

The developers are just looking at data, and not actively playing with any of the specs to see what the areas that need the help. Even the Hero talents show this in the lack of creativity. Blizzard has taken the easiest way to solve Hunters.


Survival still can’t use barrage with a melee weapon
i don’t think there’s a hunter dev anymore man lol don’t get your hopes up
if it happens cool but i’m rerolling if there’s nothing, tired of waiting since legion


all i think of when i think of hunter now is just a rotting carcass under the sun with flies hovering over it


Can’t insert images i dont think but pretend i just linked the yamcha death pose- thats hunter these days

It’s clear that we don’t have a dev at least since last patch of SL


The hunter class had a dev in SL??!


saying BM was reworked is being very kind. it was basically 4 talents.

This post is on the money!

Rework Hunter


Friends, we did it!

Not much but they acknowledged something at least

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It looks like no changes will be made for hunters in the near future. They will revise future builds. It feels bad, man. It feels like they keep improving Ret Paladin and the company, and we are left in the dumpster.

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Yesterday Supatease posted a video on Youtube and he fights a duel using Dark ranger MM, he got werecked in 3s by a Warrior. Prepare yourself to WW

Sad times, bro

Hunter announcement is that they don’t have anything to announce…


The post mentions only changes to Hero Talents… PLEASE Blizzard let us know if you plan to address core issues with Hunter spec talent trees?