Where are the Empyrean Hammers at?

I was inspired to level my Retribution Paladin after they dropped the sick updated Judgment set and decided to go Templar to double down on the Hammerdin fantasy but I was rather disappointed by the visuals, or rather lack thereof. I can see the initial impact when the Hammer of Light comes down but then I don’t see the Empyrean Hammers that are supposed to be falling down from the sky. Considering that they’re should “Shake the Heavens” I expected something… well, something more. :sweat_smile:

Either I am going blind in my “old” age or the visuals are so puny you can’t even notice them in the heat of combat or at the overcrowded training dummies. :hammer: :mag::eye:


They were… nerfed. You can’t really see them anymore. I mean, you can if you look closely. But they are very small now.

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Empyrean hammers from spenders dont drop against dummies. Zero

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They do against the tanking dummies.

But yeah, seem to be a slight bug, hope it’s just on dummies too.

Ahh! Well that explains it, thanks.

Templar visuals are complete trash.

HAMMER of light doesn’t even look like a hammer. Just a big light explosion


U can faintly see the sliver hand artifact weapon in the animation before the big light show but the animation is too fast to properly SEE it if u get what i mean.

Yeah, all the animations from the Templar tree are way too fast, it really reduces the visibility. And on top of that the Empyrean Hammers not only fall really fast but are also tiny.

And honestly the more I play it (got to 78 before logging off for the night) the more I feel like Templar just doesn’t work very well mechanically. From all the hero trees I’ve tried out so far I find it to be most comparable to the Warrior’s Mountain Thane but that one feels so much smoother to play, it’s not even close.

I am not really a Paladin player, or melee in general, but it strikes me that tying Hammer of Light to Wake of Ashes wasn’t such a good idea. Again, this is just my cursory opinion of a class and spec I am not intimately familiar with but I am a veteran WoW player.

Exactly, which is trash.

Herald on the flip side looks so nice with the beams and the dawnlights themselves