Where are the alliance? (Returning Player wanting to play here)

Gates of Stormwind empty. Goldshire area empty. Stormwind city Empty. Ironforge empty. Gates of Ironforge area empty. Other servers I check out (even non roleplay servers) have folks dueling outside Stormwind, Ironforge, and Goldshire area on alliance, and folks running around the major cities, but not ED.

I know dueling has no point, but it’s still fun to watch and chill with folks around those areas.

Did all the Alliance pretty much leave for classic or quit? Or are they hanging out in Boralus and higher level areas? I ask because Org has a lot of folks buzzing around in it when I check it out. I want to play alliance though.

I returned to the game after a long break and wanted to make ED my main realm. It’s in my timezone, the data center is Chicago so my ping is really low, and it’s a Roleplay server, perfect fit.

I’d love to jump into some roleplay and learn the ins and outs alliance side, cause some trouble in wpvp, and make some friends. But logging in a few days a week to check out the alliance side in the areas I’ve mentioned above is depressing.

I’m not trying to judge the alliance side by a few simple zones, that’s why I thought I would ask in this post… Is the alliance side just this dead here at this stage of the game until the next expansion?

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I see no shortage of them in Uldum and the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. That’s where the majority of the current content is and where I get caught in fights the most at.

Makes sense. I don’t have an high level character here to check out the world as needed to make a judgement call. I think I’m just going to bite the bullet and roll here, alliance main, horde alt!

I appreciate the reply!

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Welcome to ED dude, the home I’ve been abandoning and returning to consistently since 2006 :slight_smile: