Where are people getting this strange idea

that TBC is going to entirely replace Classic and Classic-vanilla will no longer exist?

I mean, you really think that they spent years and years developing, fixing and maintaining classic just to throw it out after 2 years? Think for a second. Honestly.

Ion even explicitly stated in early interviews that Classic will continue to have servers regardless of how unpopular it is.

Chill. TBC is not replacing vanilla.


People tend to be too cynical in WoW and IRL.

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People love drama. So they make up stories about how the sky is falling so they can have some.

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i want classic to continue just as i was TBC to continue. I want that Eternal server TBC option when the time comes for wrath.

EACH VERSION needs an eternal server option eventually that is how they will keep subs long term.


Probably because the most recent survey suggested only TBC or Fresh as two possibilities moving forward.

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Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

this is the best way to keep each of the versions separate and sorted with good server populations

You can replicate this option for TBC moving to wrath and so on as needed.

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Where did blizz say that?

Because thats what happened when you progressed the game. So people think it could happen again.

I mean, that’s literally what they did with retail. make an expansion, maintain it for 2 years, replace it.

now with that said, I’m fairly certain classic will have servers still.

As I understand it, there is a reason for Blizzard to maintain at least one Classic Forever server beyond just profit/popularity. It allows them to pursue legal action against private vanilla servers and counter the defense that vanilla WoW is abandonware, which is what private servers have claimed in the past.

So I think people who want Classic Forever servers will get their museum piece.

EDIT: This may not be correct. See below.

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No, I think they spent all the time and effort to try and kill the private servers, or at least cash in on it.

Honestly, I think most of them are just trolls. However, that doesn’t mean stupid people don’t exist. They are emotional and react emotionally to everything. They don’t stop and take a second to think critically to realize that they are freaking out over nothing.

Because thats what happened when you progressed the game. So people think it could happen again.

Except critical thinkers realize that the surveys tell us there WILL be a version of classic in some form even with TBC. Not to mention the fact that Brack himself said they would continue to have classic even if only 10s of people play it.

They don’t need to maintain a server to do that, they just need to retain the rights to the IP. What you’re talking about applies to licensing deals.
Legally, there’s no such thing as abandonware.

Okay, well maybe I’m wrong then^^. Thanks.

I think they’ll keep a “Classic Vanilla” because they said so, and doing so protects their IP. I’ve always thought this.

The only question is if people will be able to keep existing characters on “Classic Vanilla” if they want to, and that’s based on the wording on the most recent survey. It does look like progressing to TBC will definitely be there instead of just fresh TBC, which I always thought would happen. IMO there should be the choice to keep a character in “Classic Vanilla” or progress it into TBC, but it is not clear if there will be a choice on this or not.

For good reason, more than not.

It won’t be replacing it most likely but it’ll be splitting the playerbase, and cleave players off Classic which is already starting to lose traction now that the final content is out.

Here’s the thing, Blizzard can progress all the servers to TBC while opening just one new Classic server and still hold true to Ion’s word.

Because someone made it up, and then someone referenced that. And then someone references that reference. And so on. Welcome to the internet.

It’s funny because so much is unknown about the future of Classic, but the one thing we do know 100% is that pre-TBC servers will continue to exist. Anyone who’s been following this project from the start knows that to be true.

Now, might players have to transfer or move around? Will Blizz consolidate servers? Maybe. But those pre-TBC servers will continue for as long as Blizz hosts servers. That’s the one thing we do know.