Where are Nathanos's dogs?

Since Classic WoW is almost upon us, I’ve been looking back in time at Classic stuff and I realized Nathanos was in the game back then.

But it seems he had some pets way back in Classic. But now in the current game, he doesn’t have his “Blighthounds”.

Does Sylvanas hate pets? Where are they?

lore wise varian sent an entire raid group to kill him and nathanos barely survived escaping.

So the Alliance now kills a man’s beloved pets? This is what you’re saying? :cry:

Not at all. Nathanos isnt a man.


RIP Wigglepoof and Darryl, two of the best blighthounds Azeroth has ever seen.

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Provided from a quick google search. Say hello to original Nathanos. Wondering when Undead will get a whole new makeover too?