Where are my balls? (Voidweaver)

About Voidweavers: Where are my balls? Xa’atath is parading all over creation with her two spooky void balls hovering over her shoulders, they’re even shown in cinematics helping her channel powerful void magics. Even the key art for Voidweaver shows some spriest with the same balls of void energy. Spriests of past expansions already had shadow orbs, Mages have gotten all sorts of balls, Locks get floating crystal “balls”, even Evokers using the PvP talent get awesome combat interactive balls. So as a Voidweaver, where are my balls?

This was a missed opportunity to not only tie Voidweaver in with current lore (Xal’atah be everywhere) but also add class flavor by further visually differentiating them from other priests by returning a previously (mostly) beloved feature. A transmog option or glyph is acceptable, though a tie in with our hero talents or buffs is preferred. In short: Blizzard, please give Voidweavers our balls! Thank you :purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_circle:


Vet removed them, sorry.

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Normally I would agree, but the issue is to many players of this class have accepted what blizzard had done to it and have thus shown they really do have no balls. Blizzard just made the class match the players.

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Entropic rift is a giant ball?