Where are incursions?

Played several hours yesterday, a few hours today, still haven’t seen one. Blizzard made these things out to be a lot of fun so I would love to try it out but… uh… where exactly are they? Do they require an unlock that I’m unaware of?

Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


incursions spawn 12 hours after the last one ended, one will be going live in 3 hours in the u.s server


When normal people are working or asleep.


Oh wow… that’s a long timer. Is the loot worth it? What are we talkin’ 'bout here? 370? 385?

um, i think its 370s for your class, and 5 warfront commendations, i can’t remember the other rewards

Go to google and search for US/NA realms BFA faction assault timers. There’s a website that tracks when the incursions will be, much like how the legion invasion website worked.



Are we really revisiting this? Did people not play at all in Legion? There is literally no difference from invasions.

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There was one yesterday around 4pm est. There was one this morning that ended at 8am est. There is one tonight starting at 8pm est until 3am est.

Use this for now, since i can not post links, put a www. in front of it. wowfactionassault and .com/ after it.

Meh my lock has been only seeing 355 azurite chest, along with the other stuff. Not like my bags were full with 7th legion stuff already.

/shrug, maybe it scales to your item level, because i got a 370 from mine.

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No, I didn’t play Legion.

Would you like to discuss some Differential Equations, Differential Geometry or some Linear Algebra? I mean, since you’re auto assuming anyone who posts must’ve been a Legion vet I hereby invoke the transitive property of “wtflul?” to assume that you’re a mathematician.

To everyone else, thank you for your response, very helpful!


I actually am a mathematician, so that’s super spooky. :joy:

I meant zero offense by it. My comment is only meant to convey: a lot of people are surprised or confused by how incursions work, but it isn’t a new system or feature.

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I got 370 boots on the first incursion, 355 azerite helm on the second.

They are world quests. There wasn’t any extra loot when I did one yesterday morning before work. They only take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

The loot comes from the quest at the end and it scales with ilvl, I got a 325 weapon and my wife got a 350… something

I think a sweet spot would be assault up for 9-10 hours and down for the same amount. The content is decent and fresh, but such a downer when you log in and its gone.

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They really could do better at communicating when they are up

That has the current and future schedule for the next few upcoming ones.

Next one starts tonight at 9PM PST.