Where are all the healers!

I wish i could curse on here because you are so freaking dense.

Explain why healers are hard to find then?

You know I’m right.

No healer is going to pug without guaranteed loot or gold as a reward.

I just want punch you in the back of your head. I dont even care if herb dean takes a point.

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Because healing is unfun and bad in PvP. That is why there are no healers. They are relegated to one portion of the game.


I went Shadow after they nerfed penance in phase one I am like fine wanna nerf the only good healer class? I am gonna go DPS. LOL

You can respec for PVP and change gear.

Next tired excuse?

Healers don’t play this game for fun. They play for loot and to lord it over other healers who don’t have it.

Healing is pretty much all I do. Healing runes suck.

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No spec nor gear makes healing worthwhile or enjoyable in a one-shot meta.

This happens in every, single game that prioritizes damage over everything. Utility leaves the game and everyone focuses damage because it is not only better but it is encouraged.


You aren’t supposed to play a healing spec in PVP bro, what are you even saying.

You failed so hard in excuses it’s laughable.

Healers respec for PVP and always have in Classic.

Healers are in short supply because healing in PVE blows and they join guilds to get guaranteed loot and immediately respec after raid to PVP or just raid log.

I went shadow in Phase 1 when they nerfed penance actually.

This is patently false given the history of MMOs and the willing participation of healers throughout.

I mained healing for the majority of my WoW gaming catalogue (PvE and PvP). It is my favorite role in groups.

That nerf took priest from S tier in PvP and PvE to…S tier in PvP and PvE.


What are you talking about? Healers are always the hardest people to find in Classic and are in SoD.

It’s not new to SoD.

All decent healers are always in guilds and are usually the biggest raid loggers.

Tanks are, historically. It isn’t even close.


Wrong it’s healers.

Healers are also the 1st people to leave every raid early. They always have to go for some reason or another.

I’ve lost count of the number of groups that fell apart because a healer left early.

With living flame and mass regen being exchanged on fights as needed

Might be an opportunity to redesign how healing works in wow. Maybe less focus on individual hp bars.

Ah yes another mouth breather. YOU go look at logs idiot. Warrior is on first page, SP is on the bottom of the second page under 2 warriors. Like come on man, i legit swear forum posters are bots at this point

As someone who has healed a decent amount in vanilla including R14 grind. It is a thankless job in raids imo. PvP they will straight up tell ya you carried the bg and so on.

In pve raids, healers get the blame for not healing the idiot who stood in fire. They get yelled at by casters for needing on loot. They have to chug mana pots and consumes non stop to heal the above bad guy.

3 raids into gnomer and I have not had a single piece of loot on my priest. not worth the time or effort atm. heal parses in the 90’s and dmg parses on same character as a healer in the 90’s.

Make damage also heal the raid might be a start for all the healing classes.

STV its a waste to be a healer… seems like you are better rewarded as a dps…so id rather go shadow on my priest for stv


Everyone cried at heals being OP at level 25 so outputs got nerfed. Runes were boring and unimpactful. You get fewer coins in Blood Moon. You explode in pvp.

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