I left trade chat years ago, i do check daily for work orders however, on my server there are never any there, I’m lucky to get my 2 order weekly quest done maybe 50% of the time.
I have three boxes of Saronite bombs sitting in my engineer’s bank vault since WoLK. Nobody wants lots and lots of Saronite bombs anymore.
Yeah the zapthrottle system is a nightmare lol It has its own CD, then the soul needs to cook for like 15 mins, then you can’t catch another of the same soul if you have one cooking…
That being said, the pets I’ve gotten from farming those have sold for a pretty penny, and I usually farm pieces of scrap while waiting on cooldowns so it’s a chill thing to do when bored.
So. What I did was a little more impatient. I bought a boost off the shop and poof. Free 20 renown. lol.
Not sure it’s worth it for one engineer recipe, though. Probably other toons I’d like to boost first.
I justified it by there being a lot of engineer mogs I needed too. Goggles. Soooooo many goggles.
Yeah I’d like it if they gave us an item that we could craft for people that made it so they could wear the goggles too without being an engie. That would open up sales on goggle mogs old and new.
If you’re in a region that connects to Area-52, just send me game mail or something to get my attention. I don’t charge a commission for any trade craft and won’t make an item unless I can guarantee it R3 or R5.
I can make most items except raid level patterns. I don’t spend a lot of time in cities and chat just isn’t the same anymore for striking a conversation. Again, can either send this character a game mail / whisper or just /who Frostwolf and any of those online is me.
Ya know what’s funny- I actually did drop my engineering for JC but I missed being able to make my safe rockets and scopes for myself so I swapped back.
Jewel crafting wasn’t really profitable for me without the lariat recipe and I ain’t dropping 3million gold on the AH for it lol
If you’re strapped for work orders, you can actually send your main some on an alt for as little as 5g 1s a pop. Peanuts compared to just one World Quest that offers gold.
Probably dead server
I kept my hunter and engineer because all of my other characters are alchemists, but I’m thinking of dropping eng. Theres almost nothing useful about it.
I don’t have the recipe and I still made a couple million on it.
Found your issue: according to Raider.io, you are on the realm Nazgrel which is a relatively small population realm that is also mainly Alliance.
I really think they need to condense servers. Granted you can link a bunch of servers together in a region, but that still doesn’t help it feel populated. Hell even on my server Area-52, feels not as populated as it once was, and I now see a heck lot more Alliance to Horde players when it does get busy in some areas. Damn that makes me seem like I am a factionist.
We’re in the dumpster. It is rough out here.
I never look for engineering crafting orders because nobody ever needs anything
The problem is that, what you need to make to get to the level you neeed to make high-level gear via Engineering requires a lot mats (some of which are expensive if you buy them off the AH) yet only sell for about 50 silver to a vendor. As such, not all Engineers are able to (or can be bothered to) reach that high.
Also, I’m pretty sure, there’s an RNG element when trying to craft level 5 gear.
I can’t remember exactly how I got to max level, but yes it did require a lot of Dark moon Fair, and some crafting of items that would be expensive. I think this was my 3rd profession I had maxed out; Alchemy was first followed by Tailor.
One of the things that made it harder to level was no one really puts orders in for the craft, and once they added no mat orders it got worse because the orders that where being placed didn’t provide skill-ups. So, I relied on the fair and what materials I could farm myself and send to myself.
I got rid of it for herbalism and mining since it’s too expensive to do anything with the engineering profession and all the professions are too much of a grind in general.
Though I also rarely collect any ores or herbs, especially since both my bank and my inventory are completely full.
Though I might switch back eventually since I like some of the engineering toys.