When's the Next Class Combos?

When will the Next Class Combos be for Patch 10.2?

Druids, Shamans, and Paladins for all Races?

I was really hoping Druids were coming with the Emerald Dream stuff or paladins were coming with the new paladin stuff but there’s hasn’t been a hint of either happening :frowning:


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start

See if that does anything…


They already said that there won’t be any new race/class combinations for 10.2, so we’re probably looking at 10.2.5 or 10.2.7

My guess will be Paladin. One of the patches will be the resurrection of Keeper Tyr and that’s how everyone gets Paladin.

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Where? I’ve been looking at Wowhead every day and I didn’t see that announcement.

Not trying to “gotcha!” I legit want to know where they said it :stuck_out_tongue:

It was an interview with Morgan Day and a streamer named Fandy

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Thank you. I must have skimmed over that and missed it.

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Not sure ‘when’, but they’ve definitely been laying some groundwork for the possibility of some combinations in the future.

With how the story is progressing, I can see potentially NE and UD Paladins, NE Shaman perhaps with defected Druids of the Flame/Primalists as well.

Would love to see Druid become available to Vulpera, Pandaren, Blood Elves and Dwarves at the very least but that’s more of a wish than me seeing any evidence of that being an eventual option in the near future.

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…i’m still waiting to see Dracthyr get more classes. :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot: