When's Negative Trader's Tender gonna be fixed?

I’ve had a Trader’s Tender balance of -325 since the first, when are you folks at Blizzard gonna fix this bug? and I’m more than certain others have been reporting negative Trader’s Tender balances, as well


I would also really appreciate an update to this. Buttercup was really pushing me to get some other things, but I can’t.


Still no updates. I’m afraid I’m going to miss out on this month’s items. Hopefully there’s a fix soon. I have had a negative balance since the first week of the month.


I have had a negative balance since the 3rd. I feel really discouraged from playing since its just sort of a looming issue. I would really appreciate some confirmation that this is at least a known issue.


I also have negative TRADING TENDER. Currently at -250 TT in December. Be nice if you guys fixed this issue.


is blizzard simply ignoring this problem? they had already announced what’s up for the first trading post of the new year, and i really want either the scarab mount or the wastewander set, but with a total of 1000 tender per month and with my balance being -325, i highly doubts i’d be able to afford the set or any of the mounts, we need this bug fixed, blizzard, please, fix this bug

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Still have a negative balance. I really don’t want this to effect next month’s tenders. We only have one week left to get this resolved.

i know, right? because of this, i might not be able to get me a scarab mount or that badass wastewander set, like, why does the maximum tender per month have to be only 1000? why not let us earn MORE tender for the more we do?

This comment comes from a different (and unrelated) thread.  Just sharing it here, so please do not shoot the messenger.

I wondered about that. Last month I bought a Mount I had frozen and a pet which I did think was odd that I had enough Tender for it (they were bought a few days apart so I didn’t think much about it at the time). When I saw the negative balance I thought it was a goof or something but I did wonder if there wasn’t something internal that was a mistaken level attributed to the account.

Personally I feel that they should have simply fixed it at the time by resetting it in a weekly maintenance and allow people to re-buy or not. To put it at a negative balance is purely punitive IMHO. It isn’t like we found an exploit to give us more tender. It said I had X amount, I spent X amount.


It’s now the first of the month and it still hasn’t been fixed yet. Blizzard, please give us an update, ETA, anything. We can only freeze one thing and if there’s still no fix… oof.