When you're mid way into a server and realized it's low population

Been saying it for weeks. Tell we get phase 2. People have been quitting in droves.

Slow and boring seems right up your ally considering you use the term “zoomer” frequently.

I hooked up three more players tonight. I’m a little short on gold right now because I got caught up on some training I’ve been putting off and I respec to Soul Link but I can send you the bags with 5g for your training and maybe find a weapon on the AH. If you role a caster class I can craft you gear too. Send me a mail if you decide and when I log on I’ll craft send it ASAP.

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I am playing EU (I am NA) all servers are medium duriongt peak times.

Pretty sure he’s doing it because Herod is massively overpopulated with Alliance because Asmongold is there.

In short, you’re basically swapping one crappy situation for another. Don’t let me stop you, though… free stuff is always a good deal.

I think mine was Medium when BFA started, but almost all the raid guilds left for Proudmoore/Hyjal in late Uldir. These days /who 120 rarely returns 50 people across the whole server.

K pom pyro

1700 exp your entire life, still plays retail and only 426 ilvl. You dont even play wow LOL

Sucks at retail so resorts to 1 shot gimmick spec lmao

Yeah those high med low labels are like calculus. no thanks

OP is just a troll who’s been posting nonsense like this all day for attention. The “zoomers” post was created by him too.


You have no arena, m+, or raiding exp. You don’t even play WoW.


Says the guy so bad he has to go back to a 15 year old game lmao

You’re defending a game you don’t even play. You cant even succeed in BFA.

He rolled Horde on Herod though

Well I rolled an Undead Lock on Herod. Sent you a mail.

I’m at my store cleaning up a giant mess right now. As soon as I get a chance to take a break I’ll run home and get those in the mail for you.

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