When you say "mercenary mode", we hear

I don’t think it’s an insult to show my personal experience with Alliance pve players. I’m just stating what I went through on my alliance alts. I felt insulted by them trying to get me to go back to Horde :laughing:

FFS I play both side and called this happening a long time ago.

maybe with merc mode ally could win more bgs

We can literally see the effects of merc mode from retail.


The people who care most about this issue to be frothing at the mouth and demanding restitution, are not choosing Horde for the aesthetic. They’re the ones that meta the crap out of everything, and even a 0.05% increase in capacity means ‘everyone’ switches.

If you were to take away racials completely, you’d likely see a far more balanced system, where people can choose the aesthetic, because the faction doesn’t “matter”. But the snowball effect when there’s even a tiny imbalance, is already clearly happening.


I really just wish Blizz would release H->A faction transfers much like their server transfers. I’d honestly swap over. I made a NE rogue on Whitemane but I really just don’t have it in me to level to 70 all over again when I have other games I really enjoy right now.

Maybe when I come back I will and so will some of my friends who have been talking about it but the grind is so real and boring.

The alliance has always been so unbelievably boring. Would not bat an eye if it was removed because its just 50 shades of humans.


It’s okay to take breaks.

If you’re bringing friends try to not get dragged to the overpopular side again so you don’t experience this unless you only raidlog or do dungeons with a set group that only logs to do these activities I wouldnt take the advice of 2-3 friends that wans to roll on the popular side too serious honestly but this is a me opinion.

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I’ve noticed this and it really drove me away from classic in general. Maybe it’s also just my server (Faerlina) or Horde in general on Fae but like…Woah. The min/max andies are plentiful and it really took the fun out of the game.

It felt like I was playing for the big numbers and rushing to BiS whereas other games I’m more able to just savor the content and enjoy the world/lore/gameplay.

It’s not. We probably mostly all play both sides by this point. The reason we don’t want quick fix, QoL retail features added is because, we don’t like Retail BECAUSE OF QoL features.



blizz lost me when shamans no long had totems

Pve players don’t care about pvp player issues. I know many of you haven’t ever been on a pve server and feel the same about pve issues.

Pve players see pvpers as the most toxic part of the community. They don’t want pvp as part of the game.

So yea again I called this years ago. We are here now dealing with it. We can get along and try to find a solution or just keep making thread after thread blaming eachother. :wink:

They had 15 years of that being the culture on private servers, and brought it over to Classic with the streamers. And the snowball/FOTM effect is what’s causing all these queues.

Remember, back in Vanilla, and somewhat in TBC, Alliance were the ones complaining about queues, because there were many more Alliance and far fewer Horde, even though they had better racials for PVP.


Casual players are forgetting that there’s too much information that players didnt had access to back then and since metas are a thing they will need to adapt or improve.

It’s gonna happen from now on… on every classic server blizzard decides to open.

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I mean…Some QoL features are actually good for the game though. Like dual spec. I hear my friends complain of a healer/tank shortage c o n s t a n t l y. How easy would it be though if dual spec existed for someone who’s a hybrid to juts throw on their tank/healer gear and help people find faster groups.

I personally think that would be genuinely good for the game’s health as a whole.

Of course though not all QoL changes have been good, but having some discretion while adding the most important ones I think would make the typical player happier.


It is. Because the community cares more about meta than balancing.

I mean… what would you prefer, balanced queues and no racials, or imbalanced queues and Horde racials that are half a blip better?

Balanced but hey we never had that even in the og game

Transfer’s, Horde to Alliance only. Paid.

Theres your solution, and the only one that needs to happen.


Dual spec didn’t fix the tank shortage in Wrath, or even now in Retail. In “theory” there are more potential tanks, but quality and willingness are far more at issue than cost of respeccing.

This whole argument has been going on since wow started. It’s never going away. It’s just funny to see it again but in a different way.

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its a critical design flaw having the population split with factions. this will always happen.

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