When you move onto Cata..can we have Fresh Wrath servers? But without the:

Level 20 mounts
and the BOTS
Please, hire some GMs to deal with the bots in game. (Hell, hire them from rural areas that have solid internet…you could pay them like 50k a year depending on where and they’d be happier than hell…I know that’s a lot cheaper than CA.)

I really wanted wrath classic to be good, but started out pretty crap with the level 20 mounts, BoAs, and the disappointing Titan rewards…it only got worse after I and my friends left with RDF, Token, etc. I have a hankering to play it, but when I boot it up, I remember all the above crap andd…I just close it again.

  1. Taking out level 20 mount is ok. 30 from crusade is already early enough.
  2. Taking out heirlooms is ok. Should include XP buffs/boosts here too though.
  3. Taking out RDF is ok if the realm(s) has a good population. We needed RDF because most realms don’t have enough people, and even the mega realms struggle to do old dungeons.
  4. Token should not be on this list. This is a positive for the game.
  5. Blizzard can’t be bothered to properly enforce the game, so bots aren’t going anywhere.

All that said, if you can’t enjoy wrath now, you probably wouldn’t stick around for another rehost either.

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you didn’t get TBC servers, you won’t get Wrath servers.


What you are looking for is Classic Season of Discovery.

Never gonna happen.

Such weird reason to not like how the expansion started.

Funny I had the exact opposite experience, Me and my friends had fun the first time around since we leveled together but eventually we all quit since there was no RDF and finding groups while leveling alts was impossible, it made the game a solo quest grind until level 70 if not up to 80 and we all came back to play once RDF came out and we had a blast.


ive had enough of wrath. It was fun but time for something new. No i dont need another fresh wrath that will die in 2 months.


I’ll tell you what I’ve been telling the forums for years with regard to the constant attempt at the removal of automated queue systems…

Form of control…

The players against queue systems want to hold all the power of accessibility in the game.


No more game clients. Hosting Classic Era, Classic and Retail is enough.

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Who says it has to be those 2?

What if ppl want MoP and legion as the only clients available?

Agree (obviously)

Don’t really agree here.

Part of what made Classic good (imo) was that it took you all over the place in leveling. (With various benefits such as seeing the whole storyline, globetrotting…actually seeing the large world as … large.)

In TBC there was still a little bit of that as you typically needed Hellfire and Zangar, then, Terokkar and some of Nagrand… but then you were 70, never saw Blades Edge, Shadowmoon, or Netherstorm until you were just flying around and getting gold.

I would argue that the reason the population cratered was a combination of starting Wrath at the very last bit with the lowbie mounts, head-to-toe BoA, 50% reduced XP req- it just cheapened the experience. (And their roll out of Titan was what did it for me…it was such a sad let down. I’m assuming it’s better now.)

Cannot imagine a scenario where this is a positive. It might be “less bad” if it managed to get rid of the bots- but it didn’t do that either.
It just inflated prices because of legalizing wallet whales.

Probably true.

On the contrary, I made this topic because I want to enjoy Wrath. (The version before they added all the dumb crap such as RDF and level 20 mounts, and without the obscene amounts of gold inflation brought forward from previous iterations of the game…)

Probably not, after SoD concludes, I’ll probably just be done with WoW if they don’t have something similar.

And I’m presently in there. (Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy doing wrath again without all the extra crap they threw in to shoot themselves in the foot.)

Is it though? Making the game go light speed (mounted at level 20 in between RDF queues) is a good chunk of what killed communication.

No time to say anything, let alone any reason to.

Good on ya, I guess?

I’ll tell you what I told you in the other thread you dragged this into. (paraphrased)

Your “form of control” is my “preferring to limit the single player feel of an MMORPG.”
You had your shot with the craptastic Wrath experience they implemented this last time.

I’d like one with less BS in it. (I hated Classic for its obscene class balance, but the more I talk to wrathbabies, the more I understand why Vanillakids see Wrath as Retail…)

You contradict yourself in such a natural manner that you don’t even see yourself doing it.

My shot? What do you know about what I want out of the game?

You are one of those “vanillakids”

Your utopian Wrath server is nothing more than a vanillaesque Wrath server.

Basically you’re just a B. B-ham in disguise…

If you could stop throwing your responses into a chat bot and copy/pasting what it gives you, that would be great.

You put that out in the other thread which you decided to drag to this topic despite that being literally 20% of the OP…
You’re like the GDKP kids in the SoD forums.

It was wrath before they gutted XP requirements, added RDF, and Quest PoIs… I was there and remember it fondly. (Quest PoIs aren’t as big of a deal to me, even though they do reduce communication in game.)

Dunno who that is… but maybe they’re hiding under your bed or in your closet at this very second!

(I’m done here, not hardly discussing the OP at this point… it’s just Waf dragging his lame RDF argument to poison another thread.)

If blizz does what’s in the OP, great, I’d love that.
If not… w/e. Plenty of other options out there.

Good day.

I don’t have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about.

You didn’t have to argue with me in both. You chose to argue in both threads. I only pointed out something you said in that other thread; I didn’t address you directly in that one.

RDF was added with ICC, just like the original.

He’s the guy that tried to axe RDF for good.

He failed…

I don’t argue about RDF…

I argue about queue systems for all content; especially where they don’t exist.

Guess how many times I’ve set foot in ICC, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Tempest keep, Ulduar?

Because LFR doesn’t exist in this era, I can show you a nice “round” number to illustrate my point.

It’s not surprisng that you want to build your utopian Wrath server to accomodate a certain type of demographic…

I think you’re pretty stupid for thinking the token had a negative effect on the game; but that’s just me.

Part of WotLK

If you’re refering to head/shoulder enchant then ok but heirlooms are BoA too

Part of WotLK

I don’t mind it, let’s me play for free.

They’d be bots on that server too.

You found getting raid items from dungeons dissapointing? What would you of wanted?

Long time forum lurker. Just here to show my support for a wotlk era server.

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That’s literally things introduced in wrath.


Do you honestly think blizzard would, in the situation they not only keep LKC servers but do a fresh in its place, care more for the product they obviously don’t care about? Especially when the bulk of the players already have left and those who haven’t are mostly in a cata waiting room?

The lack of population would be a bigger bot determent over anything else. Can’t make money if there is no buyers because no one is playing.

On top of the fresh idea, I’ve seen what you fresh players do. You only play for the rush of players at the start. The moment players like myself hit cap, and you’re still in tanaris, you’re quitting. The game is already stale in the eyes of fringe fresh players, and the domino effect will kick in once again and the server will be dead once again in 4 months. Fresh players are the first players to leave a server.

Honestly just go make a private server, what you want till never leave pipe dream phase.

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Tell me you didn’t play OG wrath without telling me

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I did. I actually started playing in Dec 08. (I had a character in TBC but it didn’t make it past level 18)

I remember when the patch that added RDF was added. I remember talking to (my now long time friend) about how it was very convenient for farming gear/XP, and the teleporting was amazing.

I remember running back and forth in Hillsbrad because Mounts were still level 30. (And a guildie pretending they were deleting their character to give me 100g for mount training at level 30 and a boost without me feeling bad about taking it… me being a poor noob Blacksmith paladin but with pride.)

Mount level was changed with 3.2
RDF/Quest PoIs were added with 3.3.

There was Wrath before RDF/QPoI/Level 20 mounts…
And that was the better wrath, TBH.

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bots will always be a thing so long as blizzard continues to not care.

No one will play it a fresh server without any of those features. Players couldnt lvl alts with just heirlooms. Removing heirlooms and no xp buff from 1 to 80 is dead on arrival.

Add to that no rdf just adds to the dead on arrival. Bots will always happen.