When WoW ends

Go find the new big MMO out there of course.

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I’ll place bets on a very rich individual buying wow outright and taking it over so it lives on.

If I’m still alive I’ll…

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Name 1 innovative, exciting new feature about this game in the last several years that doesn’t include methods of siphoning more money from you OR involve a flying Sonic the Dragonhog running through magic rings? It’s been on maintenance mode for quite a long time.

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Well that will happen when the sun runs low on hydrogen and swells up into a massive red ball that swallows Earth. What I’ll be doing is hopping in my space ship and heading out toward Jupiter.

What are you, some kind of poor? Get a Rorqual. Get good, scrub.

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Make sure you bring your mining permit.

That confusing moment when the miner scrams and webs you then launches combat drones.

Our toons are just a small text file, that contains our name, our gear, inventory, rep, achieves, quest progress, mounts, pets, toys etc… Would be nice if we could download it on WoW’s last day.

Also, On WoW’s last day, give every mount, toy, mog, and pet I don’t have a 10% chance to drop from any mob in the game.

Then just have the world explode, and claim a powerful wizard did it.


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i have an Orca.

and a Revelation.

I think thats what it was called.


I’d honestly be more upset at myself being too upset that a video game ended. I mean I’m no one special, not famous , not rich but my goodness I hope I have more substance to my personality and meaning to my life than playing a video game.


Those are good ships. Rorqual is the next step up from Orca. You can fly them in losec but they’re really for nullsec fleets with heavy security and/or deep pockets.

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“Move on and forget about it, it’s just a game”

Sorry but that is such a boring and sad comment.
Do you not acquire any attachment to something you’ve spent years making memories with?

You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t feel at least some sadness for having to let go of something like that.

It wouldn’t move me to tears, nor would it leave me heartbroken forever, but I would most certainly feel a void from losing something that has been in my life for as long as WoW has.


EVEOnline still around?

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I play and enjoy other games.
I am 10000000% WoW will survive in some way or form even when I’m an older fart than my current early 30’s self.

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I would like WoW to end with us sitting in a restaurant at the end of the universe drinking a cold one.


What if that Blizz Wizz created a tear through space and merged the WoW and Diablo universes? Kinda like Illidan bringing Argus to Azeroth.

We already have references to treasure goblins, Diablo pet, etc.

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Raised the monthly sub price to $20 and soon to be $35 but yep still there.


Celebrate, finally free from my WoW addiction :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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