When Will We Get To Fight The Other Cosmic Forces?

tBC: Chaos
WotLK: Death
Cata: Void
MoP: Void
WoD: Chaos
Legion: Chaos
BfA: Void
Shadowlands: Death
Dragonflight: Void
tWW: Void
Mid: Void
tLT: Probably Void

Can’t we just fight Order, Life and the Light now for a change?


Silly enough, we have encounter those threats but the forces of the void are often corrupting them. :scroll::robot:

I mean, we fight them from time to time, like the Scarlet Crusade being Evil Light, but they are never the main threat of the expansion. Death, Chaos and especially Void are usually the main villains, anything else is a small side-villain for a small side-story.

I’m just saying, instead of reusing the same three troublemakers over and over and over again for every expansion, we could get a new troublemaker. Or three lol


As a Forsaken Warlock I approve of fighting the Light. :+1:

As a side note… think about how insane the priest armor transmogs would be in a Light themed expansion.

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We kind of fought Life in WoD with Everbloom, the Botani, and the Genedar world boss.

I hope we see more of stuff like them because I thought they made for very interesting villains. The Sporemound lore from Chronicles is pretty terrifying.

I think us fighting the Titans and dungeon crawling the facilities is fighting against the Order so to speak. Dragonflight’s story is all about rebelling against The Order, but we aren’t exactly fighting The Order or defending it? I’m not even sure anymore with Dragonflight. We aren’t defending The Order as much as we are just defending the good parts of Azeroth.

Dragonflight story is all about us beating the people who are rebelling against The Order AKA the Primalists. We work for the Aspects, who work for the Titans.

And then there’s Aberrus, which is Void, and then Fyrakk eats Deathwing’s Void leftovers and goes crazy and stuff lol

Always possible when there’s new characters that would abuse those three powers. :robot::+1:

…however the Incarnates went back into playing with Void. :face_exhaling:

I like how you took that sentence out of context just to repeat what I already said in the part that you left out… Smh fam…

Except what you said is not what I said lol

You said:

That’s not what Dragonflight is about. We are defending Order. We are fighting the people who are rebelling against Order.

There is a tiny bit of reflection here and there that Dragons should have handled the Primal Incarnates better in the past, but beyond that it’s still “Order good, disorder bad”.

Whenever we fight a Primalist it’s because they are rebelling against Order and causing disorder. Whenever we fight a Titanforged it’s because it’s malfunctioning and therefore needs to be put down for Order’s sake.

We even resurrected a Titan Keeper.

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We’ve sqaured up with order, light and life in minor roles a couple times, scarlet crusade/yrel, algalon, other titan creations, the botani and bosses like nymune.

The lore rework for titans the last few expansions means we’ll probably be punching order in the next few expansions. The light has gotten a few call outs but as long as void is putting tentacle on people and driving them mad we’re probably gonna keep siding with it in its confrontations.

Life is the odd one out cause unless your a dk or forsaken youre gonna be naturally on their side unless theyre trying to recycle your life to make new life(the botani in wod)

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Ehhh, that’s lame then, I thought we were just kinda neutral or something, like Deer In Headlights, going along with the ride. Disappointing.

Dragonflight was more like Elements. There was some void involved but Fyrakk was already crazy even without the shadowflame.

We did have a little bit of a conflict with Order. Algalon came in with the steel reoriginating chair!

But yes, I am waiting for that, too. I think the issue is that Order was originally seen as a lawful good and to undue that narratively will take either a long time (many expansions, which I guess they’ve been doing) and a pretty massive, short-term plot twist (The Last Titan?), kind of like a The Usual Suspects twist.

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Also it’s the fact that The Order stuff is boring af compared to the Old Gold lore when juxtaposed with each other. Blizzard knew this too. I remember threads on MMO champ from way back in TBC that were trying to “decipher” the lore of the Old Gods like when people were trying to decipher that Cloverfield marketing. People would analyze every single thing you inserted as content with a fine tooth comb.

Void is the most anti Azerothian cosmic force there is. They consume and have an insatiable hunger for power while Order already won the battle along time ago until chaos came along so they are just chilling. Life is pretty much MIA and the interests of life most likely line up with the interests of Azerothians and while the light can be zealous it’s still rooted in some concept of “good”. Void is the ultimate adversary with the legion being a close second.

Yeah, there are minor villains here and there of all cosmic forces.

There are the Scarlets with the Light, Malygos and pre-feelings Algalon with Order and the Botani with Life.

But it’s never the major big bad of the expansion :frowning:

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And if you look it up, the only reason the Legion even exists is to stop the Void Lords. That’s why War Within is a bit hyped for the lore nerds. The lore nerds can see what the story is leading to: Void Lords and Sargeras, what Sargeras was actually trying to accomplish.

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Cosmology didn’t exist in this form before Legion.
I don’t think it makes sense to view the expacs that way.

The Legion are demons.
The Scourge are undeads.
The Old Gods are lovecraft horror.
The Void is darkness.

Archetypal evil stuff. That’s why they were the bad guys and not because you absolutely want to fight against cosmic forces. This only encourages onedimensional and superficial writing anyway, so you shouldn’t do it at all.

Probably at the reveal that the void is weak. They are stated to be this big bad but everything points to the contrary, they are weak and are always plotting in the shadows rather than anything else. Quite a few of the races of wow were granted free will via the curse of flesh as well if we are thinking old gods are beings of void. It’s also quite suspect to say that old gods are pure void beings, they use it but it honestly seems like they are monstrosities of life more than void. I’d say that The Last Titan will be the shift from void to other conflicts.